Who would you hire.

Who would you pick.

  • 1

  • 2

  • other.

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Looking back, fifty years from now, don’t you want
Feb 21, 2006
Ok, So I have to hire someone for a mangerial position at my work. I have two people who look strong. This is a family business so lets all think about this long and hard. I want to make sure I am making the right decision for my children, my family and for my industry as a whole

1-He is someone that has been in the industry for a long time. knows the history of what needs to be done in my business but he is on the older side, might be close to retiring. However, he is very loyal and is willing to do what it takes to work with customers and fellow employees. I would be able to count on him to get the job done.

2-Younger, not as experience. However, he is a great motivator and gets along well with our younger workers. He is a new fresh face to the industry. Not sure how he will work out but he could be great, could be terrible because he does not have the best resume.

ok..so help me out here..who would you picl
I'm not sure what "over the hill" means. Either he can do the job or not and unless there are some physical demands that the older guy can't do, I'll go with him.
Ok, So I have to hire someone for a mangerial position at my work. I have two people who look strong. This is a family business so lets all think about this long and hard. I want to make sure I am making the right decision for my children, my family and for my industry as a whole

1-He is someone that has been in the industry for a long time. knows the history of what needs to be done in my business but he is also over the hill. However, he is very loyal and is willing to do what it takes to work with customers and fellow employees. I would be able to count on him to get the job done.

2-Younger, not as experience. However, he is a great motivator and gets along well with our younger workers. He is a new fresh face to the industry. Not sure how he will work out but he could be great, could be terrible because he does not have the best resume.

ok..so help me out here..who would you picl
#1 his age should not be the consideration. That is a direct violation of federal law. If he is the best qualified and from your description he is then hire the man and learn from his experience.

No real decision here, IMO.

ETA: If your decision takes into account your Assumption that he might be close to retiring that is like not hiring a young female because she might get pregnant and decide to be a sahm.
Before I answer, what is wrong with #2's resume? If he's been a job hopper, I wouldn't hire him. If he's had some experience that could make him a good candidate for management without actually having managed anyone, he could be your guy.

However, #1 would probably be my pick because of the experience, EXCEPT if your looking to change the course of your business and #1 will keep referring to what has always been done in the past. I worked with a guy like that who came from another bank. He used the name of the former bank so many times when talking about how to do things that we'd have to remind him that bank didn't exist anymore and we started calling it Brand X Bank. It was annoying how set he was in his ways.

If #1 is looking to better the companies' direction with new ideas that are innovative to what his experience knows, I'd pick him.

Gosh, I went round and round and didn't select anyone yet, didn't I?
Here's an idea. Not sure if there's room for two new-hires at your company but perhaps hire the one with more experience for the managerial position and perhaps create a position for the other one. If he turns out to be a hot-shot, he could be mentored by the more experienced person and groomed to take over when retirement comes.
y'know, if you had at least edited the graphics out of your sig, this could have gone better.

also, the first candidate is known for having temper problems ;)
I wonder what this is a metaphor for???;)

How did I miss this??? My only excuse is it's late and I'm tired. But really, there is a big difference in a "family business" and running the country, and a bit of a spin to say there is a problem with #2's resume.

I did wonder why they couldn't decide for themselves, as the OP would have the complete facts and not the slanted snippets we had to chose from.
I've got an older established employee right now. While the work ethic is good, they want what they want when they want it. Take it or leave it. This employee that started in Feb for a position has had to take a long weekend for 4th of July, memorial day and a weeks vacation in between. Thats in addition to taking off early every single friday because they have a cabin, and coming back late Monday because this or that happened. I have had this issue before with other employees, when they get close to retirement age, they need more time off to travel etc. Once the wife was a teacher and after I hired him and he worked 6 months, he told me he needs to take summers off. Who does that? I've hired at least a dozen people for retail positions that decide the weekends aren't fun. Their spouse is home, their kids are gone and they want time together. Sometimes when people don't need the money as much and the spouse is retired or semi retired it wreaks havoc with schedules and they have a take it or leave it attitude. They give 110% when they are there, but they find fewer reasons to be there then the rest of us.
Personally, I would hire candidate number two. Sometimes people who have been in the industry for a long time are too set in their ways and aren't willing to change or adapt to new things.
Ok, So I have to hire someone for a mangerial position at my work. I have two people who look strong. This is a family business so lets all think about this long and hard. I want to make sure I am making the right decision for my children, my family and for my industry as a whole

1-He is someone that has been in the industry for a long time. knows the history of what needs to be done in my business but he is on the older side, might be close to retiring. However, he is very loyal and is willing to do what it takes to work with customers and fellow employees. I would be able to count on him to get the job done.

2-Younger, not as experience. However, he is a great motivator and gets along well with our younger workers. He is a new fresh face to the industry. Not sure how he will work out but he could be great, could be terrible because he does not have the best resume.

ok..so help me out here..who would you picl

Wow, such a clever post, no one wouild EVER figure out what you are up to.....:sad2:
you can discriminate based on age and this guy might have another 10 years left to work anyway.
Clueless as well. I choose the person I plan to vote for in the fall, though.

Same here. I don't pay attention to siggies when I read posts. I did pick the one I'll vote for.
Ah DUH! #1

What good is motivating people when they have no idea what to do, or how to do it?
I'd go with #1.

I work with too many younger people who think the world owes them a living, they need a lot of coddling and compliments and are basically PIAs.

But of course, my choice is based on my experiences. Others may have had different experiences, which could change their choices.


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