Stop yakking on that cell phone while you pee.


Comes from a long line of all fork ...
Jul 2, 2007
DD8 and I were at Target today and decided to go to the Ladies Room before we left. DD is in Stall #1 and I'm in Stall #2. I'm hanging up my umbrella and purse when I hear a woman enter the restroom, yakking on a cell phone like there is no tomorrow. It wasn't about anything important, just general blather. I figured she'd surely say, "Well, I've got to go now" or something like that, but nooooooooo, she just kept on chatting. She goes in Stall #3, next to me. More people enter the restroom and go to the opposite side, so there's a lot of action going on, if you get my drift. It was a noisy place.

She proceeds to wee, as DD would say, and that mouth never slowed down for a second. :lmao: Toilets start flushing, one after another.....and still, she yaks. :rotfl2: We all exit the stalls about the same time, and there she is, blabbering on. :rotfl: She pauses for perhaps 2 seconds to run her hands under water only and walks out the door. I guess soap would have slowed down the conversation too much. :scared:

I looked at the lady washing her hands next to me (using soap, I might add :thumbsup2 ) and said, "I cannot believe she talked on that phone the entire time she was in here. What do you suppose the person on the other end of that conversation was thinking?" :rolleyes1 She said she had wondered the same thing when all the toilets started flushing. Then DD pipes up with......

"I wonder how she WIPED. It couldn't have been easy with just one hand." :laughing:

ACK! What is WITH people and their cell phones? :confused3
DD8 and I were at Target today and decided to go to the Ladies Room before we left. DD is in Stall #1 and I'm in Stall #2. I'm hanging up my umbrella and purse when I hear a woman enter the restroom, yakking on a cell phone like there is no tomorrow. It wasn't about anything important, just general blather. I figured she'd surely say, "Well, I've got to go now" or something like that, but nooooooooo, she just kept on chatting. She goes in Stall #3, next to me. More people enter the restroom and go to the opposite side, so there's a lot of action going on, if you get my drift. It was a noisy place.

She proceeds to wee, as DD would say, and that mouth never slowed down for a second. :lmao: Toilets start flushing, one after another.....and still, she yaks. :rotfl2: We all exit the stalls about the same time, and there she is, blabbering on. :rotfl: She pauses for perhaps 2 seconds to run her hands under water only and walks out the door. I guess soap would have slowed down the conversation too much. :scared:

I looked at the lady washing her hands next to me (using soap, I might add :thumbsup2 ) and said, "I cannot believe she talked on that phone the entire time she was in here. What do you suppose the person on the other end of that conversation was thinking?" :rolleyes1 She said she had wondered the same thing when all the toilets started flushing. Then DD pipes up with......

"I wonder how she WIPED. It couldn't have been easy with just one hand." :laughing:

ACK! What is WITH people and their cell phones? :confused3

Perhaps the caller on the other end learned that people urinate!
While you pee...

while you're driving...

while you're in an elevator...

while you're in a restaurant...

while you're in a store being served....

while you're at a wedding...

while you're at a funeral...

while you're making a left hand turn in traffic...

while your kid is running rampant away from you....

while you're sitting next to me at work...

while you're supposed to be reading to little kids in class...

while you're in a drive thru making an order....


SHUT UP AND whatEVER!!! No one wants to hear half of your stupid conversation!!!!! :scared:

vent over... :laughing:
I've gone into the bathroom and the girl in the next stall was just talking on the cell while she was going #2. I was like...ewwww....
I've gone into the bathroom and the girl in the next stall was just talking on the cell while she was going #2. I was like...ewwww....

Okay.....THAT would have been worse. :lmao:

BTW, I think we are all aware that people urinate. I just don't think we want to HEAR it and all the accompanying sounds as we chat.
I had the dbf call while I was on the can. I answered "I'm on the can" and he goes "Oh" and hangs up and texts me. :rotfl2: I hate being on the cell phone, and it really bothers me to talk to anyone while doing my business!
Target must be the place, because this has happened to me twice in their bathrooms. I cannot for the life of me think of one conversation important enough that either can't be continued later or I will "hold it" til the conversation is over. I don't care who is on the other end of the call..This is beyond tacky...

I secretly wished they would drop their phones in the toilet...;)
how bout being on the other end and not knowing what is coming...I work at a bank and talk all the time to customers on the phone. I have heard many a toliet flush.
Yes, it MUST be Target as nearly every time I go in there someone is talking on their cell phone. :confused3

Get off the phone, people....

Yes, it MUST be Target as nearly every time I go in there someone is talking on their cell phone. :confused3

Get off the phone, people....


Nope, not just Target. The first time this happened to me it was at the Kenney Center for the Performing Arts... and it happened with two different rest-room stops (long performance) on that same day!!!! I think the performance was "A Servant to Two Masters" which I might've thought would attract people who were a little more high-brow.

I have since had my peeing broadcast over more cell-phone calls than I care to count..... never once has the conversation sounded like anything important (not a discussion about kids left home with a babysitter, or an emergency, etc...). EVERY single call I've ever overheard in the restroom sounded like casual chat between friends or close relatives. :sad2:
Too funny!

Had this happen at work yesterday and (being the doofus I am at times) there was a split second where I thought..."Maybe I shouldn't flush as a courtesy/P.C. thing to the phone-talker in the next stall?"

Luckily my normal (?) good sense kicked in a nanosecond later and said "YOU'RE in a bathroom - FLUSH!!!!" :lmao:
"Ladies" do this at my work too! YUCK!

The bathroom at my work is nasty enough, why would you want to be in there any longer than you have to.
how bout being on the other end and not knowing what is coming...I work at a bank and talk all the time to customers on the phone. I have heard many a toliet flush.

I work phone customer service too and I am amazed. The woman today I thought she said she was in the bathtub, but possibly said bathroom, she asked me to hold for a second (thought she was getiing pen and paper) but there was so much grunting going on that I then thought she said bathroom and was calling me while using the toilet. I never heard a flush though so I could be wrong. I will say I was getting a little :scared: listening to the grunting
Who cares? I mean sure if you are driving, don't do it.

but what difference does it make to YOU if someone next to you wants to be on the phone while they pee?

It's does not effect you, so why would you even care or get so worked up that you have to post on a message board about it.

again, understand about at your job when you are working, or safety reasons. But you are peeing. Lord knows it does not effect you there.

Maybe the person is talking to their DH or someone that hears/see them in the bathroom everyday of their lives.

At least worry about junk that effects your live instead of worrying so much about what other people are doing that have nothing do with yours.

OMG, I'm not a big phone talker, but I have talked to DH while HE was using the bathroom at work. It's the only place he's ever been able to get much privacy in his companies. :laughing: I can always tell when someone walks in because he'll get quiet.

I've answered the phone in a bathroom. Usually you'll hear, "I'm in the bathroom. What? NO! I've gotta go. No." click. Every time I go somewhere with DD, she'll go look at something while I use the bathroom and she'll call me to ask if she can buy it.

At any rate, bathroom chatter doesn't bother me. I'd much rather hear it there than throughout dinner.
Not cell phone but same idea. WE have a cordless phone at work that nurse on duty is to have on her person if away from phone at desk.
Never fails I walk into BR or am inprcess and dang phone rings, I have to answer it and 9 times out of 10 it's a call off.
Time to start acting. Make grunting noises and all the other related noises.

and say things like "Hey! THat one looks like mickey mouse!"

If that does not work then start talking back to her, answering her questions, etc...
Time to start acting. Make grunting noises and all the other related noises.

and say things like "Hey! THat one looks like mickey mouse!"

If that does not work then start talking back to her, answering her questions, etc...

Why do something like that though? Them talking does not have any impact on your doing your business. Do you have to utter silence to pee? :lmao:


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