Packed & Moved..Disboutiquers Part 6 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes we sew

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We are going to Dutch Wonderland in just a few weeks - probably August 4 or 5. We are going on our annual summer visit to the inlaws who live just outside York PA. If only you knew how ewxcited I am to go back to York (notice any sarcasm?).
I vaguely remember someone making Dutch Wonderland customs last summer. Does anyone remember who that was?
How long of a drive is that? You are near me so that has to be 5-6 hours??? 5-6 hours to see the inlaws? YIKES :eek: Mine live next door and I try to go as many days I can without seeing them! ;)
Well they are actually disers that met on the original thread and they decided to combine forces..
And I think that most people do occasionally post, life sometimes gets in the way of the dis. especially in the busy summer time and school starting. I think a lot of people post for a while then are absent due to life and vacations etc.. but everyone comes in and lurks or checks in occasionally. I am guilty of that..

That was my impression, too. I saw their group as a small off-shoot of this one. I think it's great when people share interests and find a way to grow from there.

As for posting, there are a lot of people who just don't have time to come regularly. I try to pop in at least every couple of days but it's hard to keep up. I do much more "lurking" than posting as a result. I think we all understand "life happens" and people will always be welcome to come back when they can. :goodvibes Now that we're doing the Big Gives, I think it's definitely worth encouraging people to stay involved at whatever level they can. Even if people can't keep up with this thread, I really hope everyone who posts or lurks here from time to time will consider participating in future Big Gives. I honestly have to say it's been such an amazing inspiration to me and I hope others will feel the same so we can continue to Give with the same enthusiasm.
We are going to Dutch Wonderland in just a few weeks - probably August 4 or 5. We are going on our annual summer visit to the inlaws who live just outside York PA. If only you knew how ewxcited I am to go back to York (notice any sarcasm?).
I vaguely remember someone making Dutch Wonderland customs last summer. Does anyone remember who that was?

You could always visit me and the kids while you are here, it could make the trip more bearable. I would not want to visit here, there is not much to do really. I go to Baltimore alot because that is where all my family is. We moved to York beacuse of the housing prices and schools. I remember the customs too but can't remember who it was either.
I love JoJo! Your applique skillz keep getting better and better!!! The clothes look even cuter on your little cutie, of course!!

I talked to DH about me and Jenna going to WDW for the Dismeet and he didn't look too thrilled about it. I feel like I could convince him to let me go. I'll keep you guys posted. I just need to know the dates to be there.
Oh, I hope you can make it!!

Did you tell him it was a once in a lifetime chance to meet JORD? :lmao:

Very nice, Linnette!!! That was clever to reuse your old zippers!

I was bowled over by your generosity with the big give. Isabelle looked so happy opening all of those things!! You are positively wonderful!

That's a great idea. If we stay onsite we can use the kids' club at the resort. My kids beg to go there. Hey, we should go to Jellyrolls! :lovestruc
Okay, what are the kids' clubs? Is that something you have to pay for? Do you leave the kids there? What is jellyrolls? I feel like such a novice!

I got a package in the mail today from my sister for my birthday; Megan helped me open it. The contents:

a $35 gift certificate to JoAnns
a fancy dancy seam ripper
a crease marker
a ring to hold on my bobbins

Pretty cool!:cool1:

Very cool!! When is your birthday? Today?
That was my impression, too. I saw their group as a small off-shoot of this one. I think it's great when people share interests and find a way to grow from there.

As for posting, there are a lot of people who just don't have time to come regularly. I try to pop in at least every couple of days but it's hard to keep up. I do much more "lurking" than posting as a result. I think we all understand "life happens" and people will always be welcome to come back when they can. :goodvibes Now that we're doing the Big Gives, I think it's definitely worth encouraging people to stay involved at whatever level they can. Even if people can't keep up with this thread, I really hope everyone who posts or lurks here from time to time will consider participating in future Big Gives. I honestly have to say it's been such an amazing inspiration to me and I hope others will feel the same so we can continue to Give with the same enthusiasm.

How very well spoken! I'm a member of 3 boards:) I think the Big Give is fabulous, and hope that one day I will be able to organize myself enough to participate. In the mean time, I am humbled by the generosity of so many on here!
and for the moment, however brief, Tifani's faith in humanity is restored.
We are going to Dutch Wonderland in just a few weeks - probably August 4 or 5. We are going on our annual summer visit to the inlaws who live just outside York PA. If only you knew how ewxcited I am to go back to York (notice any sarcasm?).
I vaguely remember someone making Dutch Wonderland customs last summer. Does anyone remember who that was?

I thought I remembered someone going as well. Glad it's not my brain malfunctioning again. (That happens far more often than I'd care to admit!)

I think I'm going to make Delaney something with princesses on it. I saw some pink generic (non-Disney) princess fabric, I'm thinking twirly top for that.

I saw some Day Out With Thomas fabric at Hancock's and I'm going to do a pair of embellished overalls for our day with Thomas. I just have to figure out what I'm doing because there is so much of the Thomas stuff that I'll have to narrow it down. DD loves all of it.

Then the Sunday we're there we'll be stopping at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire so we'll have our garb with us. Delaney needs a new Irish dress this season anyway, I've got to get on it since our local(er) faire starts in August.

I had no idea just how much stuff there is to do there between the train stuff, the Amish stuff, Dutch Wonderland, outlet shopping, children's museums. I had to really pick and choose. My DH wants to skip the outlet shopping but he'll have to suffer through on evening unless he and DD want to play at the pool and I'll go out unsupervised.
I am going to try to selectively multiquote, but I don't know how it will come out- sorry if it is weird or unreadable.

Thanks so much guys. I am always worried that the pages are too busy or not busy enough. I overthink too much. I use Photoshop elements and have my books printed at shutterfly. I have had other project printed at other places (walmart, winkflash, etc) and never been as happy with them as I am with my shutterfly stuff, even though it is slightly more expensive.

Here is my trip report

Seeing your scrapbook pages makes me wish I knew how to digitally scrapbook. I am still a paper girl. And as for Photoshop, I don't have a clue as to how to use it. Even worse is I have a great DSLR and barely know how to use that! I really just got it so that it didn't take so long to take a picture since with my old digital camera I would press the shutter and my kids would move by the time my camera took the picture :rotfl2: ! Most of you ladies (and gentleman) are way ahead of me technologically speaking. I was barely able to change my ticker this morning and I still haven't figured out how to add my pictures to photobucket! One of these days maybe I'll catch up!
Disboutiquer Meet Girls....

I've been on the phone with people from WDW Custom events- sounds like there are some pretty cool things we can do! But 1st- I need to know how many people you would bring to a special event if we did it in the evening- say a dinner buffet kinda thing at United Kingdom (outside on that platform just below the restaurant) during Illuminations?? Please copy the list below as you answer. FAMILIES are welcome.... if you don;t want to bring the kids.... that's ok too!!

karebear1 (Karen)- 2
Disboutiquer Meet Girls....

I've been on the phone with people from WDW Custom events- sounds like there are some pretty cool things we can do! But 1st- I need to know how many people you would bring to a special event if we did it in the evening- say a dinner buffet kinda thing at United Kingdom (outside on that platform just below the restaurant) during Illuminations?? Please copy the list below as you answer. FAMILIES are welcome.... if you don;t want to bring the kids.... that's ok too!!

karebear1 (Karen)- 2
HeatherSue- 1
I am a planner and I kind of LOVE structured activities...I am the total opposite of Heather. I don't do well w/ casual stuff. I even plan our spontaneous days on vacation. Like "we can all have Tues. to do something that's UN planned." So I will just leave it up to you guys. This is WDW and it's a kid there are families whose vacation we have to squeeze this into. I don't care if we go to a park and hang out and ride rides and talk while we walk around the park. Like I said the 4th -15th have one of the lowest attendance expectancies of the the whole year so I'm thinking we'll pretty much walk onto any rides.

Totally agree! Just to be able to meet each other will be fun unto itself!

Everyone should post an idea of what they'd like to do.
Hey Steph! Happy Birthday!!!!!


1)Okay, what are the kids' clubs? Is that something you have to pay for? Do you leave the kids there?

2)What is jellyrolls? I feel like such a novice!

3)Very cool!! When is your birthday? Today?

1) Most of the resorts have a kid's club where you can drop off the kids from 4pm-midnight and they will feed the kids, play games and watch movies. It does cost a bit but my kids love them and request a kid's club night each trip. I don't think you have to stay at the resort to use it, but I am not sure.

2) Jellyrolls is a dueling piano bar on the boardwalk (across from Beaches n Cream). I love it and we have a great time singing along. We usually take one night and leave the kids at the Sandcastle Club (the kids' club at Beach Club Villas) then walk over to the boardwalk and eat dinner and go to Jellyrolls.

3) It's Monday.

Disboutiquer Meet Girls....

I've been on the phone with people from WDW Custom events- sounds like there are some pretty cool things we can do! But 1st- I need to know how many people you would bring to a special event if we did it in the evening- say a dinner buffet kinda thing at United Kingdom (outside on that platform just below the restaurant) during Illuminations?? Please copy the list below as you answer. FAMILIES are welcome.... if you don;t want to bring the kids.... that's ok too!!

karebear1 (Karen)- 2
StephRes (Steph) - 1 (or 2 if it was kid-friendly)

Does anyone know when the next big give start up will be? I am looking for something with a bit more notice but I do want to participate. Thanks so much!

And Heather found it already but ... I updated my trip report! I am trying to finish it up this afternoon if you want to wait until later to read it.
I am so upset that I waited so long to do my futon covers...they were so easy to do and in less than two hours the furniture look brand new:cool1: I chose a cheap fabric as I did not wanted to mess up expensive one, but now that I know I can do it I will go order a nice fabric:cool1:

all together I spent
2.00 yard 100"wide cotton for 10 yrs = 20.00
1.00 for the thread

so $21.00 (I used the zipper from the old covers)





Now I have to get to the curtains;)

btw Crystal you got my package?

Great job!

I got a package in the mail today from my sister for my birthday; Megan helped me open it. The contents:

a $35 gift certificate to JoAnns
a fancy dancy seam ripper
a crease marker
a ring to hold on my bobbins

Pretty cool!:cool1:

We are going to Dutch Wonderland in just a few weeks - probably August 4 or 5. We are going on our annual summer visit to the inlaws who live just outside York PA. If only you knew how ewxcited I am to go back to York (notice any sarcasm?).
I vaguely remember someone making Dutch Wonderland customs last summer. Does anyone remember who that was?

Happy Birthday, Steph!

My birthday was last week - DH got me a JoAnn's gift card ($25), my sister got be a JoAnn's gift card ($25), my mother got me a JoAnn's gift card ($50)AND a Sidewinder.:cool1:
Happy birthday to both of you!!!!!
We were in Disney Feb 9th - 12th. It wasn't packed but it WAS busy! I was a little surprised because everone had said to expect little to no wait. There as a 10 - 45 minute wait on all of the rides. While we didn't make rope drop every day, we were there early.
Does anyone know when the next big give start up will be? I am looking for something with a bit more notice but I do want to participate. Thanks so much!

I believe Shannon will post the next family once the current one is closed (all items are filled). Right now we're just waiting for the family tees to be filled.

I don't know who the next family is nor when they travel but I know Shannon is trying to give more lead time. We just didn't want to turn down a family solely because they travel so soon.
I got a package in the mail today from my sister for my birthday; Megan helped me open it. The contents:

a $35 gift certificate to JoAnns
a fancy dancy seam ripper
a crease marker
a ring to hold on my bobbins

Pretty cool!:cool1:

Happy Birthday! :cheer2:
I finished JoJo last night! This one is slightly different and more girly then one I did a long time ago for Dallas. I am going to do matching pants for it too.


Spongebob on


Always looks better on a real person vs the floor or a hanger. It is a bit big on Dallas since it wasn't for him.

I think I posted this a while back, but don't remember now. I made one right before we went to Disneyland, this one is bigger and on a person!

Now off to read how to get all these things into photobucket!


I think your shirts look great!:thumbsup2

Disboutiquer Meet Girls....

I've been on the phone with people from WDW Custom events- sounds like there are some pretty cool things we can do! But 1st- I need to know how many people you would bring to a special event if we did it in the evening- say a dinner buffet kinda thing at United Kingdom (outside on that platform just below the restaurant) during Illuminations?? Please copy the list below as you answer. FAMILIES are welcome.... if you don;t want to bring the kids.... that's ok too!!

karebear1 (Karen)- 2

I think everyone should wear a custom! If there are 7 of you, each could wear a different Dwarf and go to the MK looking for Snow White :idea: :rotfl:
Big Give Question?

Would it be alright to send a little extra with our package? I am asking because I didfind a Grumpy shirt in the right size for dad for our big give and I hought I would send it with the pencil roll. I may get lucky and find some more....I was unpacking yet more boxes today.....
I thought I remembered someone going as well. Glad it's not my brain malfunctioning again. (That happens far more often than I'd care to admit!)

I think I'm going to make Delaney something with princesses on it. I saw some pink generic (non-Disney) princess fabric, I'm thinking twirly top for that.

I saw some Day Out With Thomas fabric at Hancock's and I'm going to do a pair of embellished overalls for our day with Thomas. I just have to figure out what I'm doing because there is so much of the Thomas stuff that I'll have to narrow it down. DD loves all of it.

Then the Sunday we're there we'll be stopping at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire so we'll have our garb with us. Delaney needs a new Irish dress this season anyway, I've got to get on it since our local(er) faire starts in August.

I had no idea just how much stuff there is to do there between the train stuff, the Amish stuff, Dutch Wonderland, outlet shopping, children's museums. I had to really pick and choose. My DH wants to skip the outlet shopping but he'll have to suffer through on evening unless he and DD want to play at the pool and I'll go out unsupervised.

You have to check out rockvale outlets! There are some great stores and there is a disney outlet!
Does anyone know when the next big give start up will be? I am looking for something with a bit more notice but I do want to participate. Thanks so much!

I believe Shannon will post the next family once the current one is closed (all items are filled). Right now we're just waiting for the family tees to be filled.

I don't know who the next family is nor when they travel but I know Shannon is trying to give more lead time. We just didn't want to turn down a family solely because they travel so soon.

Big Give Question?

Would it be alright to send a little extra with our package? I am asking because I didfind a Grumpy shirt in the right size for dad for our big give and I hought I would send it with the pencil roll. I may get lucky and find some more....I was unpacking yet more boxes today.....

I plan to close the GoofyDoo project this evening. I am hoping that we will have someone come forward to do the family tshirts.

Once the GoofyDoo project is closed, I will open the next project. I wanted to make sure that this family was taken care of (especially since there was such a short turn around time) before we began the next project. I anticipate opening the next give before the weekend ends. I will post an announcement with a link here when I do. Thanks for being eager to help!

I think a little extra is great! An extra tshirt or the like is a great idea. I DO think that we would like to make each give somewhat equal just so that we don't have a problem with families feeling slighted. An extra shirt isn't going to upset the balance, I don't think. Thanks for asking!
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