Diser's for CMO!

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We made HISTORY last night!!!:cool1: :woohoo: :dance3:

Be proud! Be very proud!

Or should I say, we made DISTORY last night!! :rotfl2: :lmao:

Either way -- we all are winners!

Lots of :hug: and :grouphug:
Hello friends!
I didn't go into hiding as some of you may have suspected.
I think the first day (Friday) was a "let down" day. I'm very excited for the Top 10, but it's only natural to be disappointed, of course! But I've also been away because friends of mine got married yesterday so we've been attending to them and I haven't been able to post on DIS.
Many of you had me in your top 10 lists and I am both honored and humbled by that. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. :)

Brady, thanks for keeping me in your top 10... even though I kept dropping as time progressed! lol! :goodvibes

Fleagle, thanks for making this an even greater place to hang out as we waited... and beyond! :woohoo:

Kenny, I appreciate who you are as a person and it comes across in your interactions with people. BTW, I like how you congratulated me on the TOP 10 to get info outta me... lol

Justin, Patrick, Autopia Guy, Tripp... completely awesome you're in the Top 10 and I hope all the best to you DISers! I truly mean that.

Time to vote... and get some work done at home! :laughing:

The Minnie Cat lives on in this, my Top 20 video:
Hello friends!
I didn't go into hiding as some of you may have suspected.
I think the first day (Friday) was a "let down" day. I'm very excited for the Top 10, but it's only natural to be disappointed, of course! But I've also been away because friends of mine got married yesterday so we've been attending to them and I haven't been able to post on DIS.
Many of you had me in your top 10 lists and I am both honored and humbled by that. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. :)

Brady, thanks for keeping me in your top 10... even though I kept dropping as time progressed! lol! :goodvibes

Fleagle, thanks for making this an even greater place to hang out as we waited... and beyond! :woohoo:

Kenny, I appreciate who you are as a person and it comes across in your interactions with people. BTW, I like how you congratulated me on the TOP 10 to get info outta me... lol

Justin, Patrick, Autopia Guy, Tripp... completely awesome you're in the Top 10 and I hope all the best to you DISers! I truly mean that.

Time to vote... and get some work done at home! :laughing:

The Minnie Cat lives on in this, my Top 20 video:

Nah, my source really let me down on that one. He/she threw me a curveball as a joke and only gave me some of the finalists. Sorry to hear you didn't make the 10. I liked your video and thought you'd be a Mickey shoe-in!
So far we've had the following Top 10 check in on this thread:
Mrs. Autopia
I didn't want to bring down the room or excitement, but please say a little prayer. I had 10 friends/associates in the radio business get fired on Friday from two country stations here in Atlanta. They were not with the same company that I work for,but even though the radio business can be a bit cut-throat and competitive, we are still a pretty tight knit community of friends. This is just a horrible time to be out of work.
What a night, huh? I don't know about you, but I tossed and turned and cried a little and said a few prayers that there was a big mistake. Are those REALLY the TOP 10...or just 10? (she quickly slaps herself and realizes that Mr. Fleagle would NOT approve of such negativism)

If Mrs. Fleagle were a judge, then I surely would have made it... but alas, I would also have been ineligible!

I hope everyone had a good time with the awards last night. I'm looking forward to re-reading it. I actually didn't see much as I was getting my presentations ready and it flew past me. Then, I got knocked over by catotigger's song. WOW again!
Okay, I had to pop in this morning - even though I'm at work - to see if any thing to crazy had happened in the aftermath of last night's ceremony. No crazy after parties? No questionable photos of our celebs leaving the event being leaked to the tabloids?

Hopefully are all safe and sleeping! (or voting! http://www.dreamcmo.com/justin)

Had to get that in there again! Hope I'm not annoying you yet!
Tripp . . .. I'll certainly be praying for your friends. I have a friend from church here who was a DJ in the Pittsburgh market for several years and one day they changed the format of her station and she was let go. Just like that. . . .

It's definitely tough.
In my research for HAL last night, I came across the following ... and just had to laugh...it all ties together!

From Wikipedia:
In the sequel 2010: Odyssey Two, HAL is restarted by his creator, Dr. Chandra, who arrives on the Soviet spaceship Leonov. Prior to leaving Earth, Dr. Chandra has also had a discussion with HAL's twin, the SAL9000 (see [1] and section below). Dr. Chandra discovers that HAL's crisis was caused by a programming contradiction: he was constructed for "the accurate processing of information without distortion or concealment", yet his orders, directly from White House officials, required him to keep the discovery of the Monolith TMA-1 a secret for reasons of national security. This contradiction created a "Hofstadter-Moebius loop," reducing HAL to paranoia.
In my research for HAL last night, I came across the following ... and just had to laugh...it all ties together!

. . . This contradiction created a "Hofstadter-Moebius loop," reducing HAL to paranoia.

Ah, I see it all comes back to the snot loop - - - Circle of life, it's a small world, etc, etc. . . . the moebius snot loop rules us all!
If Mrs. Fleagle were a judge, then I surely would have made it... but alas, I would also have been ineligible!

I hope everyone had a good time with the awards last night. I'm looking forward to re-reading it. I actually didn't see much as I was getting my presentations ready and it flew past me. Then, I got knocked over by catotigger's song. WOW again!

The show was incredible! Like I said, I was there the entire time, but hiding down in orchestra pit with the penguins (Somebody cue the the Swedish Chef). My wife and I laughed the entire time as we raced to hit the refresh button. I need to do a tribute video to the extra sound effect guy. Would that be mean?
What a night - I partied for a long time after ya'll went to bed! :woohoo:

You know, lately I've had this song in my head {set to the tune of a dirge} "I'm not married and I have no kids, boo hoo hoo hoo hoo." :sad1:

This morning, as I glance at the paper, see what's going on at the DIScademy wake up party, something new occurs to me. I can decide to go back to BED...and most of you can't! The song takes on a whole new melody!

{To the tune of Whose Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf}
"I'm not married and I have no kids, tra la la la la!" :rotfl:

Back to Bed - and thanks for a stupendous time last night!
What a night - I partied for a long time after ya'll went to bed! :woohoo:

You know, lately I've had this song in my head {set to the tune of a dirge} "I'm not married and I have no kids, boo hoo hoo hoo hoo." :sad1:

This morning, as I glance at the paper, see what's going on at the DIScademy wake up party, something new occurs to me. I can decide to go back to BED...and most of you can't! The song takes on a whole new melody!

{To the tune of Whose Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf}
"I'm not married and I have no kids, tra la la la la!" :rotfl:

Back to Bed - and thanks for a stupendous time last night!

Also to the tune of "The Big Bad Wolf":
"That is so not fair"

Happy Snoozing!
So far we've had the following Top 10 check in on this thread:
Mrs. Autopia

Actually, Karrie (am I spelling that, right,?) has checked in, too, but I think she must have gone into hiding for a while...
(She's the one who was seeing Hidden Mickeys everywhere as she waited for the news... ;) )

'Gonna be away from the computer for a while, 'cause I'm heading off to church!
What a night - I partied for a long time after ya'll went to bed! :woohoo:

You know, lately I've had this song in my head {set to the tune of a dirge} "I'm not married and I have no kids, boo hoo hoo hoo hoo." :sad1:

This morning, as I glance at the paper, see what's going on at the DIScademy wake up party, something new occurs to me. I can decide to go back to BED...and most of you can't! The song takes on a whole new melody!

{To the tune of Whose Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf}
"I'm not married and I have no kids, tra la la la la!" :rotfl:

Back to Bed - and thanks for a stupendous time last night!

Thanks Cat! That really helps this morning...<yawns, stretches...and can only dream of going back to bed!>

:goodvibes -- I remember those days!

Actually, my good bit of news for this morning-- I finally got my DD2 to allow me to put her hair in pig tails!!! Let me tell you there is not much cuter in this world than a 2.5 year old cutie-pie in pig tails!!

Wonder if they will make it through the SS program today...are 2 year olds at the "pulling the hair" stage?
I had the most wonderful dream last night..... there was an awards show.... and I won an award! And fleagle was there, and catotigger was there, and AnnDisneyFan was there, and Marshay was there, you were all there.... then the Top 10 were announced and I was in it! Then I woke up and was like.... awwwww man...... at least the awards show part was true.

I drank way to much champagne at fleagle's after party last night..... my head hurts. Nothing that some coffee and a lemon poppy seed muffin won't fix.

So all this talk of Disney had just made me want to go there sooner then the trip we have planned in May, as I sat down at my computer this morning my Southwest "Ding" fare... well...... "Dinged". I was like, please be for Providence, please be for Providence, please be for.... score Providence! But wait.... I don't want to fly to Baltimore or Reno..... phooey.

Ahh well..... and CalDisneyFamily.... I don't really want to hold your award hostage... so here it is in all of its glory!

OK, not quite back to snoozin' yet. I've been thinking alot about Brady's rankings from last night.

Here's Brady's rankings:
Patrick Hurd
Amy Kate Connolly
Justin Muchoney
Karrie Dunkin
Jennifer Sechler
David Hawley
David Wotruba
Tangela Walker-Craft
Tripp West
Meggin Weaver

Really, Brady? That's your order? Tripp and Meggin the last two? Oh my gosh!

My Picks for the 10 that are running:
Amy Kate
David Hawley
The other 4 - I won't put in order

If there is any justice in this contest, (and obviously there is not), MY top 3 will be THE top 3!

ZZzzzzzz - back to my dream about the magical gathering where I get to meet all my faves from this thread
No crazy after parties? No questionable photos of our celebs leaving the event being leaked to the tabloids?

Several of us soiled ourselves......does that count? :scared:

Cato's tribute (even loved the 'talk among yourselves') :rotfl: , Haunted's reactions :rotfl2: , Marshay's picks (gotta gotta gotta stop laughing at white-out buzzing guy) :lmao: !!! I could go on 'cause everyone was TOO funny.........but, as I have changed my under-clothing for the day and do not have a Depends in site, I can't have a rePEEt of last night!!! :lmao:

My husband did NOT go to the afterparties, as he was securing my room in the loony bin! Just waiting for those white-jacketed people several of us have been threatened with :eek: !!!
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