Still Feeding Nebo: The may trip final chapter pg 122, Dec. 31

Welcome back Nebo and Smidgy!
Hope you had a great time and I can't wait to hear all about it.
Welcome Back, Steve & Diane! I hope you had a great time...Dec. is my favorite time of year in WDW....all of the decorations are beautiful. Between not working and starting a new job, I had fallen Waaay behind, but have finally caught up, and can't wait to hear more, no matter which trip it is from. Thanks for all the laughs, and many more to come, I'm sure!:grouphug:
I'm Losing it! I'm Losing It! This last trip put me over the edge, I tink.

I have no idea where I am, or where I was, or even who, whom? I was with.

Oh yeah, Smidgy.

Smidgy's all look the same after a while.
( Diane, read the love in my fingers as I type this)

(and, yes dear, I know I put the apostrophe in the wrong place)
And yes dear, I did put the garbage out by the curb, balanced the checkbook, finished unpacking, and picked up Mcdonalds'.

Geesh, she's not even home and still on my case.

Can you tell we've been together a LOT recently?

I love her, she's the greatest!

Ok, it's time to get back to business.
Thanks again all of you for reading and posting, and I'm sorry if I didn't get to you earlier.

Also, I'm really not trying to do a "cliffhanger" thing on this last trip, but I've got a friend developing the pictures pretty darn cheap and it will take a bit of time. And I can't do any justice without the evidence! So, as my good buddy Kevin said, you're gettin the wattered down version of the may trip tonight.

Ahem, Kevin? I prefer to refer to them as "highlights", do you concur? For sure.

Our last two days there were spent again at MK and Epcot. It seems we always end a trip with a day at Epcot. Now, bear with me here, and really look at what you are about to see. This is very impotent because it just took me a half hour to find these photos in my albums on Photobucket.

SO you Vill enjoy Dem!

Oh, ha ha ha, anudder nebo typo, nope, you're not gettin me on this one.


You see it's like this: Either last year or the year before we were also there in may, and I took a picture, which, ahem, I think is the prettiest picture you will ever see of Epcot.
So this trip, I remembered that photo, and tried to see if I could reproduce it, but not knowing exactly where I was when I took the original.

Are you with me Dismorgh? (I've got my eye on you)

So, here's the original, during the flower and garden festival.
Please, hold the applause.


hmm, that title looked a little funny, hope it comes through all right.
Anyway, this is the picture that I took trying to mimic the other, as you can see, I missed the spot by a tad.


And there you have it. You tell me, there's no substitute for the original, is there? You choose.

I've got to tell you another great pasttime.

You leave AK at 8:30, get back to Coranado Springs and make a "walkin drink", then you, if you're not already there, head over to the Casita's section. This is then followed up with a stop in the Jacuzzi, on the way back to the room.

Man, that is the best it ever gets!
Especially when some sorority girls are there skinny dipping.
Don't believe me?
I've got pictures, here, I'll even show you.


HuH? What? Not what you expected? Hey, I didn't say that I SAW them skinny dippin, just that it would be the best. Now that picture, for me, is the best.

Now comes the scary one: not one of my better photos:


And we'll follow that up with a generic one: traditional, if you will.


And I think you have them all, that's it for the CS photos. Except for one disgusting one that my lovely wife took of me when I was trying to relax by the pool. You'll have to bribe me to see that one. And furthermore,,,,,,,,

Crap! Crap crap crap! I can't take it. I have to break off into something I learned this trip, that I mentioned in a call out.

In the past, I have twisted an ankle, messed up my back, and even once sent a poor little Japanese man into a wall, trying to make a fast pass time.

Shoot, I even once dropped my Sunny D on the way.
(Yes, I went back and picked it up, geesh)

But all for NAUGHT!

We tried this 5 times on this trip. Space mountain, EE, SPlash Mountain, TOT, and Soarin. My fastpass for Space Mountain was for 10:15 till 11:15, we used it at six o'clock that night. All the other fastpasses were used hours after the "window" had elapsed.

Trust me, this is handy stuffage to know, and really works great on "split" days in the park. Get the fastpass in the morning, first thing, then two hours later after that, get another one. Do whatcha wanna do, then go back to the resort, and when you return, and fastpasses are all out? And the stand by line says 50 minutes, Bingo! Now you can cash in your fastpasses!

Thank you, thank you, again, hold the applause.

I will have you know, that I got greedy. I'm sorry, I just had to try. You know me, it's my nature to make a fool of myself.

I tried to use a two day old fastpass.

Uh uh, didn't work on Soarin.

But everyone of them that we used were inspected, and not once were turned away for the fp's after the time had elapsed.

Just remember, you didn't here this hear.

(I can't wait to see who yells at me first on something I typed up above.)

You know, one thing I was finally able to decipher in my head, is what my favorite resorts are. This last trip helped me make that decision.

We are Moderate people. No, I won't turn down a stay at the Poly or GF if it was affordable, but I like staying in the Casita's the best at Coranado. Second would be French Quarter, and third would be the mansion section of Riverside.

Anyway, like I said, some of our best times were had just walking around the resort.

By the way, for the record, I have said, and always said, that Epcot is my favorite park. No longer.
Unbelievably, it's now MK.

I love getting to MK for E entry, and then trying to see how much we can knock off. For some reason, the rides there just don't get old, no matter how many times you ride them. And besides, late at night, after Wishes, the bus rides are the best.

Let me explain.

The next day, thursday, may 17th, we did all that at MK. And then went back at night for specto and wishes. You know Spectro:


Funny thing was, when we got dressed that night to go back, I looked at her and said:

"Um, excuse me, you're not wearing that to the park tonight, are you?"

her: "Excuse you! You just saw me change, and yes , I am wearing this to the park tonight."

me: "Oh, ok, just wondering. "

her: "Oh no! You're not getting off that easy. What's the problem?"

me: "Uh, it's just that we look alike, that's all, we both have back shorts and black tank tops on. It looks funny. "

Well, we went to the park "lookin funny" . Diane just loved it. At a smoking area, she got a woman to take our picture.


And there you have it.

"Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Tourists"

I'm scared to death to see if all this goes through tonight, so I'm gonna end it here. goodnight everyone, hugs:grouphug:
Middle Aged Mutant Nija Tourists!:lmao: :lmao:

Ahh, Nebs you never disapoint! I always laugh outloud when I read your posts.:lmao:
Man, that is the best it ever gets!
Especially when some sorority girls are there skinny dipping.
Don't believe me?
I've got pictures, here, I'll even show you.


HuH? What? Not what you expected? Hey, I didn't say that I SAW them skinny dippin, just that it would be the best. Now that picture, for me, is the best.
AWWW....You're such a Sweeiie, Nebo. Diane is one lucky lady!:thumbsup2 [/COLOR]

Just remember, you didn't here this hear.

(I can't wait to see who yells at me first on something I typed up above.)


And there you have it.

"Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Tourists"

So cute! You two could easily pass for Newlyweds!

Thanks for another great installment! I can't wait to hear all about this new trip!
WooHoo, looking forward to many more reports from the Middle aged Mutant Ninja tourists :dance3:
Also, I'm really not trying to do a "cliffhanger" thing on this last trip, but I've got a friend developing the pictures pretty darn cheap and it will take a bit of time. And I can't do any justice without the evidence! So, as my good buddy Kevin said, you're gettin the wattered down version of the may trip tonight.

Ahem, Kevin? I prefer to refer to them as "highlights", do you concur? For sure.
Highlights is good! However, after reading this segment, it certainly wasn't very "watered" down. Great stuff!

You see it's like this: Either last year or the year before we were also there in may, and I took a picture, which, ahem, I think is the prettiest picture you will ever see of Epcot.
So this trip, I remembered that photo, and tried to see if I could reproduce it, but not knowing exactly where I was when I took the original.

Are you with me Dismorgh? (I've got my eye on you)

So, here's the original, during the flower and garden festival.
Please, hold the applause.


Great shot! So why am I your good buddy Kevin one minute, and dismorgh the next. :confused3

I tried to use a two day old fastpass.

Uh uh, didn't work on Soarin.
Well, I guess that is good. Did ya really think they were gonna let it go? Did you explain to them that you are the famous Nebo? Weren't they in awe? :rolleyes1

(I can't wait to see who yells at me first on something I typed up above.)
Naw, lot's of people have said in trip reports that they were able to go back after it had technically expired. I'm not really sure that it is a rule that the times are absolute on the fastpass, or if the CMs are just nice enough to let that pass.

Unbelievably, it's now MK.
I think we're in the EPCOT camp for favorite, but we sure do love MK!

Well, we went to the park "lookin funny" . Diane just loved it. At a smoking area, she got a woman to take our picture.
Y'all don't look funny at all. You should see some of the kids at our Six Flags during the summer!! :rotfl2:

Thanks for the "highlights", Steve! :cool1:
I'm perplexed. You have posted those pictures before right?

I know I have seen them.

Monica, i really don't think I have posted those photos before, I think they are just all starting to look the same.

So cute! You two could easily pass for Newlyweds!

Thanks for another great installment! I can't wait to hear all about this new trip!

Hi Mother Piglet, you win the "catch the blooper" award. Hear! Hear! to you.

Highlights is good! However, after reading this segment, it certainly wasn't very "watered" down. Great stuff!

You know Kevin, after rereading it today, actually it was. I thought it was a much longer chapter than it turned out to be. That's what happens when I have to go back and forth looking for pictures.

Naw, lot's of people have said in trip reports that they were able to go back after it had technically expired. I'm not really sure that it is a rule that the times are absolute on the fastpass, or if the CMs are just nice enough to let that pass.

I'm not sure, but what I think is that they look at it like the FP's are already issued, and if it wasn't used during the "time", that two more "standby" folks got on instead. So it doesn't matter to them if two "less" standby folks get on later. Sound good to you?

I think we're in the EPCOT camp for favorite, but we sure do love MK!

My problem with Epcot, is that future world has turned into just a couple of rides. And at the Land,I hate having to go up the ramp, then down the ramp, then down the stairs, fight through the crowds, just to get a fastpass for Soarin. And Mission Space isn't really a "repeatable" ride, once you've done it a couple of times, your done with it. They really need something quick I think to replace Wonders of Life pavillion. I also have a hard time lately figuring out what to do in World Showcase. I even watched the China movie again this time. Geesh!

Thanks for the "highlights", Steve! :cool1:

A little tip for you...NEVER EVER say to a woman "are you going to wear that":eek:

Janet, sometimes the words are out of the mouth before you can stop them.

Along with never answer "yes" to the question "does this make my butt look big?";)

And Cheri, even I"M not that dumb!:sad2:
I like you with a mustache! Not that I have any say in the matter. It gives you a little bad-a$$ look, know what I mean?

You didn't water down your highlights at all...just the best of the best.

I am, however, President of the Committee for Nebo & Diane to Spot DeVine (the CFN&DTSD) and plan on personally dragging you both to see her finally. I'm sure there will be tears of joy involved (and no restraining orders) ;)

Oh, Nebo, are you gonna wear that? :hug:

It's okay to match guys; we have a whole family at school who match for every function-- mom, dad, DS 6 and DD3. Last PTA I saw them at they were all in purple!!! So, next time, Nebo and Smidgy, I vote you go for purple!;)

Thanks for the installment and giggles!
Great Update...Very Sexy......

& Does Smidge...Have a Nipple top on her Drink???

Great Update...& yes ....Never ask a Woman "are you going to wear that?"

Ask her if she thinks you look good in what you have on....

Then sy "wouldn't you like to wear this????"

see ya

Welcome back home NEBO & SMIDGY :woohoo: One thing I noticed in the pictures is Diane never seems to leave home without her Sunny D bottle.:cool2: :idea: Maybe she could become their pitch lady;) :grouphug:


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