Freebie Thread for the week of 8/27/07

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Bath & Body Works/Pampering Event 9/15/07 free Gift basket


This is a pampering event for all ages. We will be pampering and introducing customers to the newest & Best body, skin, & eye care products. Space is limited so you need to RSVP. You also receive a FREE gift for RSVPing before that day!

- Get pampered and receive tips from our beauty experts.
- Sample all our favorite products!
- Take home a FREE gift just for coming! (Over $20 value)
- Enjoy complimentary breakfast treats!
- RSVP today! Reservations are limited!

I know this is being done at a Flagship store near me. I would imagine it is being done all over the country. Here is a link to find a Flagship Store in your area. This will get you the phone number that you need to call to RSVP.

Bath and Body Works (flagship stores only)
Ultimate Beauty Cravings Event
Saturday Septemeber 15th, 2007
9:00am - 11:00am

:cheer2: :cheer2: ME AND MY DAUGHTER!!!
Bath & Body Works/Pampering Event 9/15/07 free Gift basket


This is a pampering event for all ages. We will be pampering and introducing customers to the newest & Best body, skin, & eye care products. Space is limited so you need to RSVP. You also receive a FREE gift for RSVPing before that day!

- Get pampered and receive tips from our beauty experts.
- Sample all our favorite products!
- Take home a FREE gift just for coming! (Over $20 value)
- Enjoy complimentary breakfast treats!
- RSVP today! Reservations are limited!

I know this is being done at a Flagship store near me. I would imagine it is being done all over the country. Here is a link to find a Flagship Store in your area. This will get you the phone number that you need to call to RSVP.

Bath and Body Works (flagship stores only)
Ultimate Beauty Cravings Event
Saturday Septemeber 15th, 2007
9:00am - 11:00am cator_txt

:cheer2: :cheer2: ME AND MY DAUGHTER!!!

when i click on the link it takes me to bath and body works but says error
Give Kids Good Schools Window Decals & Bookmarks
Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Patient's Soul ~ Book

Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Patient's Soul
A 20-page booklet featuring 5 inspiring stories from the "Chicken Soup" library written by breast cancer survivors or loved ones of survivors. The booklet also contains Questions and Answers about ARIMIDEX, web site resources and Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Hi friends,

I didn't want to make a general post in budget board because of what I have to ask.

I lost my cell phone and don't have a land line. Can someone please PM quickly so I can give you my cell number to call so I can find my phone???? I am going to keep checking until 9:15 on my PM's

Yes, it is a bad day!
I didn't see another post...was the cell phone found! Boy, have I been there, done that!! :headache:

ETA: Ok, I see....very next post!! I guess I missed it because I had a panic'ed feeling when I saw someone else had lost their phone....I need to have mine surgically stitched to my hand, in order to avoid misplacing it!!
I used one of the coupons this week. The employee had not seen the coupon before. I told her it was at the site McDonald's had set up for the Coke glass give-away. She said 'ok' and took it without a problem....if that helps.
rubber mulch samples

message after says:
Thank you for your request. Someone will contact you within the next 2-3 business days. If your needs are more urgent, please feel free to contact us via phone at 866-936-8524.

so maybe this won't be sent until they contact you
it really won't be enough to do anything with anyway
but what the heck
Rent one game or movie at Movie Gallery, get one game or movie rental free. One coupon per account per week restriction. Coupon good thru 9/30.

I imagine everyone may have already finished their back to school shopping by now but I just received this bonus notice from MyPoints for shopping at Skechers: Free Shipping on all purchases. Additional 15% off on 2 pairs or more. No sales tax (except in CA). Enter code SCHOOL15 at checkout.

At the site, it shows you have to "join Club SKX" to get the free shipping. :confused3

So, checkout the bonus shopping offers in your MyPoints site.
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