Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

I was definitely feeling fatigue, but Animal Kingdom is always a bright spot for me, so I was very much enjoying the run through the park. We got some good shots through here.



And then all too soon we were headed out of the park. We ate some fuel along in here and saw another character that Paige wanted to get. The line was short, so why not?

Then on we went to the slog along Osceola Parkway. With some fatigue and pain setting in, we did walk through a few of our run intervals, but we were still doing pretty decently on time and all of us were having fun, so I was feeling more optimistic about finishing with Chris and Paige. Gradually the fuel I'd taken in seemed to be starting to help and I was feeling a little bit more energy and we soon saw another cute character stop we opted to get.


Donald is adorable in is vacation duds! Before too long we got to make the turn toward Hollywood Studios with a very welcome downhill section and I was definitely feeling better and knew I was good to finish out the race. Paige was holding strong although definitely more willing to walk and stop for pictures as time went on. LOL Into Hollywood Studios and a shot with our favorite WDW ride!

The park was open and there were some runners heading off to ride TOT, but I think we all knew that wasn't going to be happening for us for a variety of reasons (time, fatigue, etc). So we went on to see one of my all-time favorite characters.

I had so badly wanted Edna Mode during the marathon and she wasn't out, so no way I wasn't getting her on this race. Once done there, you can see the runners behind us heading out a gate. Yep, that was the entirety of our time in HS. It was pretty ridiculous, but whatcha gonna do? We were down to a final 5k or so at this point and all of us were happy and I know that final bit of the race course well and I always love the Boardwalk and the run through Epcot, so I was excited for Paige to enjoy it. She was feeling the love too!

On to the Epcot and the finish line!


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Wow you got some really great action shots- a lot of them look like runDisney ads! Congratulations on your 10K finish and I can't wait to see the rest of the half!
Challenge Complete!!
With our brief time in DHS behind us, it was on to the boardwalk. We managed pretty well through here although the crowding caused some extra walking we were mostly able to keep up with our run intervals. I think both Paige and I had some renewed energy here and felt good headed toward the finish line. We ran along the boardwalk and I think as we were entering Epcot we spotted the lovely Daisy with a short line, so why not?


On into World Showcase and feeling good. Paige was really happy at this point and enjoying the experience. We came upon these two from Pinocchio in Italy...whatever their names are...


As we were running past here, Chris and Paige spotted a photopass photographer and decided it was a great idea to do a jump shot (um...we are at like mile 12 and I'm TIRED), they also didn't clue me in very well until the last moment which led to this series of shots



So, yeah, middle-aged mothers apparently can't jump although their teenage daughters can!

And finally Chris laughing at my pathetic effort


With that humiliation behind me, we pulled off in Germany to see a cute little dwarf


Headed toward the finish we were all in on character stops by this point, so the Big Bad Wolf's got nothin on us


And how about some Cars to finish things out?


And the big finish!!!


On to get our half medal and the challenge medal and a celebratory "I did it" shot for Paige


Just so proud of my girl for finishing not only her first half marathon but doing it as part of a 10k/Half challenge and at the ripe old age of 16. No way I'd have done that at her age. It was another great runDisney event and so special for us to do it with our girls!!

After we got through the ridiculously long chute at the end of this race, we did manage to find some Dissers for a brief meet-up (I think there's a photo somewhere on here) and it was great to see everyone. After a short time, it was off to the busses to head back to the hotel for a clean-up and to collect Sophie for the rest of our celebration day in the parks and the after party. No rest for the weary at Disney!!
Time to share that I've likely run my last mile. I shared here previously that I was having back problems. After ignoring the increasing pain for far too long, a CT revealed that I have numerous metastatic tumors on my spine - a recurrence from my breast cancer back in 2012. I've started radiation treatments to be followed by systemic treatments but the ultimate prognosis is grim.

I'd hoped for another marathon at Disney in 2021 and we still hope to make it back with Chris running and me spectating. Who knows maybe I could walk the 5k. We hope and pray that I'll be one of the fortunate ones who can live for a number of years after metastatic disease occurs and I intend to fight as long and as hard as I can.
We will rely on Faith and science to guide us on the journey. Meanwhile I'll still be around cheering everyone on and hoping to see many of you at marathon weekend cheering as you race by.
Crummy news but I am so happy to see your resolve. Cheering you on in your next big fight. You, Chris, and the kiddos are in our prayers.
Oh my gosh there is obviously nothing I could say that could match the situation appropriately but I wish you the best of all possible outcomes. We don't know each other personally but I love your posts and can see you are such a warm and fun person. I'll be thinking of you all the time and while you don't owe us updates I will look for them eagerly. Hoping for the best that faith and science can deliver.
So bummed to hear this news, but I know you'll approach it with a great attitude and I'm sending you lots of pixie dust and wishes for happiness in the rest of your time on this earth, however long that time may be (and hopefully it will be a long time). I hope I get to see you at Marathon Weekend 2021!
I have always enjoyed your posts, and I love your positive attitude! I know you will fight this and be strong, and know that everyone hear is rooting for you.
Here's hoping that you have a lot of good memories to keep you "running" and strength to keep moving forward!


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