Are fireworks the best from the Skyliner?! An April 24 Trip Report - last update 6/10!

I have yet to ride EE 🤦‍♀️. Lol! I'm glad your DD loved it! We also loved WE! It truly made our AK day! It sounds like a great day at AK.
HOWEVER, once we got to the soccer store I saw it was right across from Summer House on the Lake and thought I'd just ask if they might have a table for us. It turns out they do keep some for walk ups, so once DH bought his jersey we were sat right away at a pretty good table in the front room next to the front patio. Only complaint is the AC was on high and blowing right at us. We rearranged our seats a bit and it was better.
I am looking forward to trying Summer House in August.
I had the "famous" herbed chicken breast palliard with arugula salad, lemon and calabrian chili. It looked super plain, but was so delish! Everything was well salted, the lemon juice made everything fresh tasting, and the calabrian chili was just a subtle heat at the end of every bite. Would definitely recommend this for a lighter tasting meal.
Looks delicious!
DH had a beer, I think it was the 'daytime'. And the picnic fried chicken basket: boneless white meat, slaw, hickory barbecue sauce, french fries. He was surprised by the huge pieces of chicken, and loved the BBQ sauce, but the chicken was a tad dry. But it was otherwise exactly what he wanted, some fried chicken that was not too heavy or greasy!
That is a huge portion!
This morning we were heading to Epcot! We were skipping Genie+ since we had rode Frozen Ever After the night we were in Epcot, so I thought it'd be smooth sailing hitting Remy 1st and then getting to Test Track. I was up early enough to get a good VQ time for Cosmic Rewind and we left the room fairly early and arrived at the Skyliner line at 7:50. Sadly it was a very busy morning at the Skyliner and the line was long and moved quite slowly. It took us 45 minutes to get to Epcot and we walked in right at 8:35. Unfortunately despite EE starting at 8:30 the line was already 55 minutes posted wait time, so we had to PIVOT! (Yes, it might not have actually been that long, but it did throw me off a bit, I was thinking 30 mins maybe!) Nevertheless we were all in better moods this morning.
The Remy lines fills up very quickly!
Also this morning we were all particularly hungry, and since we were now in umm, whatever that part of "Future World" that is called now and not near either France OR Norway bakeries, we had to PIVOT again and go to Connections Cafe aka Starbucks. We all had breakfast sandwiches and DD also got a cake pop because at this point I wanted to be agreeable to her, haha. We also enjoyed some lattes and a vanilla steamed milk for her since it was a bit more chilly that day.
Happy six years olds make for a happy morning!
I like this ride a lot, my fave scene is below. DH and DD rode together and DH leaned over at one point to ask her if she was following along and she said "I have no idea what's happening here" so I guess they haven't learned much ancient history yet in Grade 1.
No ancient history in grade 1 for sure.
We all LOVED this ride and really wished we could just go back in line and enjoy it again immediately. I was a tiny bit nervous about motion sickness, but I was totally fine and we were all happy screaming and "woo"ing instead of death screaming like Space Mountain...
It's the best ride hands down!
so it felt rushed and busy and I didn't get a pic here either, sadly. But DD and I shared the Tacos del Cameron which were very good! Better than I expected by looking at them. The fruit salsa was a good touch, plus the two salsas to choose from were both good, I alternated, couldn't choose a favourite. DD really likes rice and beans and shrimp, so she was happy with that. DH got the Empanadas which you can't go wrong with! Also grabbed a couple lime frozen margaritas here, not bad!
I don't love the outdoor seating but the food has always been good.
But first we had to make it through Canada (our home country!)... photo op (what kid can resist these?)
Fellow Canadian here and I have to say it is embarrassing how bad the Canadian pavilion is.
I forgot how entertaining this was, even the pre-show was funny! DD was mesmerized by the 3D, she kept peeking under her glasses to see what was really going on! I took a look at the wait times and we had a bit of time to kill before going to Fantasmic, so we hit up Toy Story Midway Mania with a 20 minute wait. Another fun one that we all enjoy. DD chose to sit with DH so I was alone and man I thought I was doing SO GOOD, of course once we finished DH had still beat me and I was still a beaver, but I was proud never the less.
I always love the Muppets!
I feel like it was actually better than my crappy photos let on. This was a quicker exit than our night at Epcot, it wasn't too packed leaving Fantasmic and the park (park closed at the same time as Fantasmic ended). And we pretty much walked right onto the Skyliner. This is when we realized you could see Epcot and Magic Kingdom fireworks (9pm start) from the Skyliner, it was awesome! No pics because we were so mesmerized and trying to figure out which was which. A fun way to end the night. We were back in our room super quick as well. We were all sleeping like logs on this trip, comfy beds + exhaustion.
How fun to see both shows from the Skyliner!
This morning the part opened at 8:30 for EE, 9am for regular. I woke up before 7 again so I could get a Slinky Dog Dash LL, not bad, 9:40am! We were able to get up and to the Skyliner by 8:05am this morning, but the line wasn't nearly as long (or slow) as the day before! We were in HS right around 8:30 as EE was starting. The entrance for EE was straight ahead while not EE people were lining up on the far right. We never waited at all at any of the park entrances (this seems better than at DL where we encountered lines to get in each morning, maybe just our "later" timing here got us in after all the line ups).
Great start to your day!
This is a place I really did my research on. I saw the kids meal was a small portion of breakfast tots, with an extra side of plain tots (!) and a cutie orange, plus a small drink, for $5.99!!! I knew DD would like plain tots, but not the ones with the gravy, so we actually shared this kids meal and a lemon blueberry lunch box tart $4.79. The breakfast bowl was amazing, one of my favourite things I ate this trip. It was super fresh and flavourful, probably because we were there first thing. Also there was tons of seating which I've heard is a bit complaint.
Such a good deal!
This was perfect timing for us to walk into the Frozen Sing-a-long show that I had on my must do list! Oh my gosh, it was SO FUNNY! The part about the dead parents, too much! Haha. DD loved it, she got some of the jokes and liked singing along too. Plus the snow at the end was pretty cool.
I love this show!!!
We strolled over to Docking Bay 7 and it wasn't very busy so we didn't wait too long to order! DD and I shared the adult Endorian Chicken Tip Yip with Mac and Cheese and Broccoli $16.29. This was cheaper than two kids portions and was plenty for us. DD actually really liked everything and came back for more from my plate. It was more food than it looks like here! DH had the Roasted Endorian Chicken Salad which he liked and said was like a greek salad.
Looks good!
I’m enjoying your report! You did good with Genie+, it can be a pain sometimes!
The Skyliner is such a convenient way to get around! It makes me want to consider a Sky-liner resort more often now!
Great morning at HS! That was an excellent return time for Slinky, and nice work with modify to get earlier times for MMRR!

I’ve heard lots of positive things about Woody’s Lunchbox so I’m putting that on my “must hit” list for next time.
Thanks! Yep, the only negatives I've heard is not much seating and all in the sun. So going at opening works out ok!
What a nice morning in HS! Those tots are on my list for next trip. I liked the GMR but MMRR is up there as a favorite of mine too. I think it’s so cute and fun.

If we RD we also take midday breaks and even as adults my kids still want and need to do them. I do too. It’s a nice pick me up to go the rest of the evening.
I feel like the line area for MMRR needs an upgrade, seems dingy and like they didn't change anything, although I'm sure they did?
I have yet to ride EE 🤦‍♀️. Lol! I'm glad your DD loved it! We also loved WE! It truly made our AK day! It sounds like a great day at AK.
It is scary, but good scary! WE really makes you go to all corners of AK which is cool.
I am looking forward to trying Summer House in August.

Looks delicious!

That is a huge portion!

The Remy lines fills up very quickly!

Happy six years olds make for a happy morning!

No ancient history in grade 1 for sure.

It's the best ride hands down!

I don't love the outdoor seating but the food has always been good.

Fellow Canadian here and I have to say it is embarrassing how bad the Canadian pavilion is.

I always love the Muppets!

How fun to see both shows from the Skyliner!

Great start to your day!

Such a good deal!

I love this show!!!

Looks good!
Thanks for reading! Enjoy Summer House when you go :)
I’m enjoying your report! You did good with Genie+, it can be a pain sometimes!
The Skyliner is such a convenient way to get around! It makes me want to consider a Sky-liner resort more often now!
Thanks!! Genie+ mostly worked out, if I don't look at the dollar breakdown of what each ride cost me some days since we probably only used it for a few rides, but to keep the flow going it's a huge lifesaver even if it technically only speeds up a few rides. It's much easier for us west coasters to rope drop at DL which probably could have helped a bit more at WDW, but Genie+ was worth it instead. Skyliner was great at this time of year (no lightning).

Although I have to say I don't actually love getting into Epcot at the International Gateway. It just makes the front half of the park feel SO far away if that's your goal to start the morning. And you don't really get the same Epcot vibes coming from IG: music? seeing the ball first? I am not exactly sure what I'm missing, but it doesn't feel as exciting coming from IG to me. BUT the Skyliner is great, especially when leaving at night when you've been in World Showcase, so I guess I can't have it all!
Day 4, Part 2 - Epcot Evening

Another satisfactory rest and we were headed back to the Skyliner a bit earlier this evening to try and get in a few rides before dinner. We arrived around 4:30, and this was the only time we rented a stroller because DD was feeling tired and Epcot evenings can be a lot for a kiddo. She just barely fit, but was happy to be chillin with her sucker.

It wasn't as busy as the other night, so we first popped over for a Citron Grey Goose Slush in France. No pic, but we enjoyed them down here with a few of the lagoon and this bird dude. I also was able to book another LL at this time so I booked Soarin' for a nearly immediate return time.


First we went over to Living with the Land, one of my top favourites! (Gardening Nerd alert) It was really cool because DD was able to read a lot of the signs so she was super interested in the ride as well. I was so caught up in riding it with her I didn't take any pics!

From there we went right to Soarin with not much wait. This is one ride I'll never ride with a LL, it THE MOST BORING WAIT of all rides ever. The plain concrete hallways combined with how you only move forward in chunks as they load the rooms, terrible. But I do love it when I'm on it!

We then moved over to the Seas with Nemo. This ride is barely cute, it was super hot for some reason and also we stopped for a bit which made it not worth it. But we spent quite a bit of time looking around in the aquariums, even though the manatees were sleeping and it otherwise seemed a bit sparse.


DD took an opportunity for her daily "free play" in this room too. It was actually very busy in the aquarium which I hadn't expected. But we also found it to be a nice relaxing break.


I read later that there is a playground area at Epcot too (I think?) but we never stumbled upon it. We really didn't spend that much time in the front of the park at Epcot it seems.

I really wanted to make it to Moana Journey of Water, but it was 6:30 by this point, we had somehow killed 2 hours since we arrived, and we were all getting hungry. DD and DH hadn't even heard of the Moana walkthrough, and it was actually chilly again, so I skipped it and we headed back to World Showcase for some dinner and the rest of the evening with a plan to get to Remy around 8-ish for our LL I booked way back early this morning. We did a good job of making the Genie+ multi-park work for us, I think that was worth it on HS and MK days where it didn't add too much to the total cost.

First we stopped at the Mexico booth, Jardin de Fiestas, for the tamal de rajas (poblano pepper, corn, cheese tamale with cream sauce). This was SO GOOD, even eating standing up next to a railing. DD was starving, and getting hangry maybe which turned into 'no, I don't want that or that or that' so I got her some chicken fingers and tortilla chips at La Cantina that she thought were fine, but not great. (Ok, finally realized not to bother getting DD any more chicken fingers this trip). We also didn't get a drink even though I wanted the Cherry one margarita, I was still feeling the Citron slush we chugged when we arrived, hah.

We wandered past the next few booths, nothing at Lotus House appealed to us. So I talked us in to stopping at Joy of Tea for some egg rolls and a Honey Hibiscus Hard Iced Tea with boba. These were both fiiiine. We got a table at least and DD finished her food here. We wanted to go into China for the Kidcot, so this kind of pushed us into eating a bit first.


DD went in and grabbed the kidcot card here, but there wasn't anyone at the table, so we kept walking!

Bird tree! I had trouble taking pics at World Showcase, it just always felt a bit hectic to me this trip I think. Apparently I was only into taking pics of birds this evening.

From here we settled in a bit and stopped in Italy next for Kidcot. This one was cute and had a new CM working there, it was her first weekend! So I think my chatting with her helped her open up a bit, she was very quiet when we got there.

The people at the table here had a deck of cards and were playing a game. The must be regulars.

From here we went to the US pavilion and DD coloured her kidcot card here for a long time. She sat there and I got DH and I food and a beer flight from Magnolia Table and we were able to sit and eat at the shaded picnic tables and keep our eye on her.

We got the Muffaletta Panini, DH loved this. The Bananas Foster Bread Pudding. We all tried this and liked it, it wasn't overly sweet, and was a huge serving! We also tried the beer flight, since all of the beers sounded a bit weird and I didn't want to commit to a full glass of any:

I'm happy to report we liked them all!! They were all quite refreshing, none too sour or too hoppy.

We were still motoring, World Showcase time goes at a totally different pace and it was ten to eight when we started this food. We had been hoping to have an early night with an 8pm Remy ride and leaving right after, obviously not happening at this point. But we sat and enjoyed our snacks and listened to a bit of the concert series, which was something like Electric Orchestra? It was just newer pop covers, but it was fun.

We grabbed a quick kidcot card in Morocco (no one there either) and continued over to France. DD still had energy, the stroller did help!

Continued in next post (pics)...
Day 4 part 2 continued...

DD went into the France store to get her kidcot postcard and since this was her last one she wanted to be sure to get the extra bonus card. We had to ask someone at the register and he was so great! He was very proud of DD and she got to speak a tiny bit of French to him which he loved. He also had a special prize for her ("shh, don't tell anyone") and gave her a Jack and Sally pin. DD was super happy about this interaction!

Off we went to ride Remy, finally (8:20pm). We had to wait a bit in the LL, but chatted with the people next to us who had gone to 3 of 4 parks that day!


I really like the look of the France pavilion, but we didn't spend much time there, it was always the busiest one I think, plus as discussed world showcase is huge!

Wow, I loved Remy so much, it was like MMRR but even cuter I think! I'm glad we were able to make it work with a LL though.


We hit Les Halles Boulangerie afterwards for a bedtime snack: half baguette, chocolate eclair and a frangipane tart. No pic again :( But the eclair was very very good to share when we got back to the room, nice and chocolately, smooth cream and not over sweeet. We saved the rest for breakfast the next day!

We got on the Skyliner just before 9 (no wait), and I think this was the night we had the best Skyliner loading person ever! He was soooo energetic and made everyone smile as he was directing us to our cabins, it made it feel like it was going by so much faster watching him load us in!

Next day: DD's "Yes Day" = AK morning, Narcoossee's for dinner and MK Evening with fireworks!
HOWEVER, once we got to the soccer store I saw it was right across from Summer House on the Lake and thought I'd just ask if they might have a table for us. It turns out they do keep some for walk ups, so once DH bought his jersey we were sat right away at a pretty good table in the front room next to the front patio.
That is great you got a good table quickly!
I wasn't expecting a full on kids activity menu like this here, so it was a welcome surprise.
I wish every restaurant offered an activity menu, it really helps the kids to wait more patiently for food (and makes for a more relaxing meal for all).
The onion rings were very good and extra crispy!
They were so good!
DD wanted to meet some characters! We met Goofy and Max at 10am (10 min wait):
Not a bad wait at all! We did not time ours as well and waited over 30 min.
This was perfect timing for us to walk into the Frozen Sing-a-long show that I had on my must do list! Oh my gosh, it was SO FUNNY!
It is always a must do! You got a great pic of the snow.
He also had a special prize for her ("shh, don't tell anyone") and gave her a Jack and Sally pin. DD was super happy about this interaction!
How sweet!!
That’s a lovely afternoon and evening at Epcot! It’s too bad you missed Journey of Water (it looks awesome!), but hooray for a successful ride on Remy! I’m also glad that the rental stroller worked well for you. Epcot IS huge!

I’d forgotten about the bananas foster bread pudding. We have only one day to enjoy the Flower and Garden food booths and I’m struggling with what to order. That would be a good choice!

That’s so sweet about the Jack and Sally pin! My daughter loves the Nightmare Before Christmas and would’ve been ecstatic with that prize.

Finally, ending the day with treats from Les Halles sounds excellent. :goodvibes
I agree with your DD - a stroller is NECESSARY for Epcot - but no one will ever agree to push me :(

I love the drinks in France but I always go with the Grand Mariner slushie (the orange one). I might be dreaming of one at my desk right now (at 9:41am). Hmm...Thanksgiving better hurry up!

And one day I'll get on Remy. It's been on my list for my last 3 trips and I still haven't gotten there. Oh well, just means I have to keep going back!
I wish every restaurant offered an activity menu, it really helps the kids to wait more patiently for food (and makes for a more relaxing meal for all).
Keeps my daughter entertained at least 50% of the time, haha.
I’d forgotten about the bananas foster bread pudding. We have only one day to enjoy the Flower and Garden food booths and I’m struggling with what to order. That would be a good choice!
It was good! There were so many options and it's a lot of walking if you just want to hit specific ones. I would have liked to try more, but Epcot sucks up time so quickly!
I agree with your DD - a stroller is NECESSARY for Epcot - but no one will ever agree to push me :(
Hahahaha, I hear that!
And one day I'll get on Remy. It's been on my list for my last 3 trips and I still haven't gotten there. Oh well, just means I have to keep going back!
Like us and the Moana water walk through thingee :)
Awesome time at Epcot! I’ll have to take note of that beer flight; my DH is a beer aficionado and I think he’d really enjoy chilling with a flight while our DD occupied herself with coloring or the kidcot activities.

We’d also heard about the playground but never had time to seek it out!

Glad you had a great ride on Remy! I thought it was a lot of fun. One of my favs at Epcot! (we wound up calling them “mouse cars” instead of rats to our DD4 in hopes she’d like it better. It only kind of worked!)
Awesome time at Epcot! I’ll have to take note of that beer flight; my DH is a beer aficionado and I think he’d really enjoy chilling with a flight while our DD occupied herself with coloring or the kidcot activities.

We’d also heard about the playground but never had time to seek it out!

Glad you had a great ride on Remy! I thought it was a lot of fun. One of my favs at Epcot! (we wound up calling them “mouse cars” instead of rats to our DD4 in hopes she’d like it better. It only kind of worked!)
All of the new to me rides (Guardians, Remy) I wanted to ride a second time, the first time is just figuring out what's going on and then I want to ride it and actually enjoy it! Next time!
Day 5 - Jojo's "Yes Day"

Jordana had been asking for a few months if she could have a yes day which is a day where she gets to choose and we "have to" say yes. There were a lot of ground rules: safety, money, buying stuff... but we said she could choose the parks and the activities!

First it started with a sleep in before heading to AK. She wanted to ride Everest again and keep working on her Wilderness Explorer book. We got to the bus stop at 8:30 and had a wait just a bit, so we arrived at the park at 8:55. I bought Genie+ multi park a bit later that morning and we booked an Everest LL for 9:05.

We slow walked towards EE:


One thing we never figured out or went to was the trails around the tree of life... but we snapped one overexposed, blurry pic at least...

She was ready!


We walked on in the standby line, it was still only ten minutes at 9:15 am! Then we went again with our LL.


Good way to wake up in the morning!! Feeling refreshed, we watched the apes for quite a while:
Then we stopped for iced coffees and a giant donut and DH got another pancake breakfast sandwich at Drinkwalla and this time we found the seating around the back - such a good score! We were the only ones there, it was shady and we saw the flotilla go by with umm, the Duck Tales ducks (names are escaping me and too lazy to google...) And I just read the are going away, so I'm glad we can say "we saw that before the got rid of it!"


From here we headed to the Maharaja Jungle Trek in Asia.

I always love seeing the bats, but there were only a couple and they were hanging from the netting at the top so you could barely see them which was a disappointment.

And unfortunately, but DD loved to retell this story, the tigers were "on a date" and she even used the finger quotes hahaha. So we didn't get to see them, but the CM there chatted with DD and I for a long time while DH was off looking for a restroom! He was great, bit nerdy, but we learned a lot and we asked a lot of questions about tigers!

DH got into some animal photography today:

continued in next post...
Day 5 - part 2

We spent quite a bit of time in the bird section, DD used the guide to read the bird names which was cute. And we got to see a couple pheasants interested (or not) in mating. (Not pictured, despite what the photo below could be describing!!)

Victoria Crowned Pigeon (SO BLUE it almost looks fake)

From here we had a break for a bathroom, beer, lemonade and splash for DD (11am)


And we planned to go to Dinoland to check out the play area next. We stopped on the way for a dance break, this group was great!


Side note: I didn't make any other LLs at AK after Everest, I started stacking for MK later that evening... I can't remember the order I got them in now, but I made sure to get one every two hours all day.

DD really liked the play area and we felt it was very safe for a kid her age. We sat in the shade and finished our beer which felt very funny in a kids play area, haha, but it was allowed!


DD had to use the washroom so we left the play area and spotted this cute dude and did some pin trading.


DD did want to meet some characters today, but all the lines seemed long. On the way to Dinoland she stopped to ask how long the wait for Moana was and the CMs said 25 minutes "not bad!" but DD decided she didn't want to wait that long.

After this we went to ride Dinosaur, the standby was a tiny bit long, so I was able to book an immediate return time LL (a-ha, so I did book one more LL at AK!) And then I could book another one at MK right away when we scanned in.

I like this ride, it's silly, but entertaining! And doesn't have as many issues as Indiana Jones in DL.

Then DD asked for some more time in the play area. We stopped at a WE booth on the way by where she had to do a puzzle to earn her badge:

On the way there I saw a sign for Restaurantosaurus and some fun named drinks, so by the time we got to the playground I decided I just had to turn back and get a Primordial Booze! I can't say no to such a good pun.


It was actually way better than it looked, blue drinks are usually too sweet! I had to hunt down the bar at Restaurantosaurus though - it wasn't available at the restaurant itself, but to the left hand side of the front of the building there is a lounge. I took a pic the next day of the sign, which is right where the door is, otherwise you can walk all the way through the QS to get there. The bartender was great, and told me he used to work at the Pop pool bar!


DD spent all her time here in the dig area - it was a really great chunky sand type of gravel stuff! She just vegged out and worked on her fossils while we enjoyed our drink and discussed the rest of the day.

Continued in next post...
Day 5 part 3

DD spent about an hour playing until we were all getting hungry. We decided on Flame Tree BBQ because it was on our way out of the park and sounded good to all of us. But first, we had to stop for another dance break with Viva Gaia Street Band, they even got me dancing this time, so no photos, just a video of DD, but I don't know how to add videos! Anyway, I would highly recommend stopping to watch them if you are walking by they have great energy. Finally, we headed over to Flame Tree and put in our mobile order.

DD ordered the rice and beans side ($4.99) (she says she wasn't very hungry), DH had the Fries with Pulled Pork and Cheese ($8.49) and I had the Mac and Cheese with Pulled Pork ($12.49). So it was a cheap lunch! And wow, that mac and cheese was SO GOOD. It used to come with an onion ring or two, but I think the onion bits things were better and easier to eat, less potential for greasiness.


We found a table right down by the water and we lucked out in having a peaceful QS!!! From here we headed out of the park, it was 1:15 so a bit earlier. I think we stopped and watched the parrots again on our way out.

It was hotter today so we spent a longer time at the pool. It looks like we were back outside our room heading to the pool at 1:55 so that's not a bad turn around time, we must not have waited too long for a bus (and the still long-ish walk from the buses to our room). And I'm pretty sure we grabbed drinks at the pool bar on the way too!

Again we just went to the computer pool. We swam, lounged, DH might have napped and DD played with the Connect 4 (wearing my sun shirt because I didn't bring out the sunscreen to reapply).



As you can see it was never too busy in the afternoons and there were always a lot of chairs! It almost seemed busier on nights when we were coming back from the parks, there were groups of teens there. I'm glad we were around the corner from the pool because I think they might have been a bit loud if we had a pool facing room.

We headed back to the room at 3:30 to quickly get ready and head out to the bus to get to the one thing I picked today. DD kindly allowed me to keep my Narcoossee's reservation on HER DAY if we could go to MK afterwards. So we had to get a move on for the bus-monorail transfer!

Next update coming sometime this weekend!
I love AK and Dinosaur 🦖 is a favorite ride! You had a great chill morning at AK.
I also love listening to the band across from Flame Tree! I love watching all the littles dancing and having such a wonderful time!
Wow, your daughter really loved Everest! A morning at Animal Kingdom sounds wonderful - it’s such a great park. An afternoon swim sounds great, too!
A great morning at AK, and a great start to the “yes” day! I too would ride Everest twice if the wait wasn’t too long. It’s a fun coaster!

I love the “ears” on the Primordial Booze, though I admit when I first saw I thought “Mickey doesn’t qualify as primordial!” Still, it looks cute!


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