Something About Nothing............ #14


Well, it`s been a while......I`m not even going to try and catch up what I`ve missed.....

May has been the busiest of months for us but all good!!

Kyle bought an apartment in January and he officially completed beginning of May, he took two weeks off work and we`ve been helping him rip stuff out and do it all up since then. A lot of work but we loved every second. He had wanted a place there for the longest time, but they very rarely come up for sale, so when a top floor one became available, he bought it and it is gorgeous....well it is moreso now!!! Happy he finally moved in last week and he`s only 20 minutes away from us, where he is now so many of his friends are in that area so it`s perfect for him and he is so happy there already.

We also got our whole home reroofed last month which was fun!!! We all stayed with Felicity and Henry (thank you again) two of our closest friends who made us feel like we were in a hotel for five nights, she stopped short of putting chocolates on our bed every night, but their hospitality was incredible. Where would we be without friends.

There were nights we didn`t get back till late so the interent was the last thing on my mind and honestly, a break from the Dis and certain odd posters can be a good thing at times.

Janet, mac and Ruth were brilliant listening to me share the details of all the work we did....heck we don`t even decorate our own home, but we did love helping him do his place up and thank you to Robbie, Pumpkin and Charade for asking after me during my mini break, the pm`s were nice to read from others too.

Back to normal after a weekend of not doing very much, back to volunteering again as is normal for us, went to school yesterday and it was nice, Tom has been doing a lot as they are very short handed so I`ve been cajoled to join them tomorrow too.....trying to catch up with everyone now :-)
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Ah Keisha, hope all three in the hospital are doing well, and getting out soon. Yeah, kids saw those baseball tickets more than half the price of ours. I hope they dodge the rain too.

Good afternoon Schumi, I hope all is okay.
Hey all, it’s been a busy last few days here. Unexpected hospitalization for two of my DSs GM. weird situation all the way around, I always try to take the high road there and be supportive.

GD had another great elite track meet. Interesting as she doesn’t belong to a club, she competes unattached. The others have large groups of kids and pro coaches, lots of support. She has her Dad lol who has scrambled this year to learn the basics.

Ten hour event on the field. Brought our big pop up canopy, under it most of day. Packed coolers of drinks and various food stuffs. Thot I had the sunblock situation in the bag for myself. Haha not quite. I always spray my part. Should’ve worn a hat in the sun. Top of my head literally fried, as in I haven’t really brushed it well until this am when i showered. Scalp is peeling. Long as my hair doesn’t fall out.

she set a PR in 800 m run, took 1st in triple jump…same as the medals they also gave her from last meet. (The host team at that one failed to have them on hand last week eek). Got 4th in her other two events, long jump and 400 m. All in all a really fun but, long & hot day.View attachment 865738

Have had more in last year than entire dealings with SWA.

I’m at the point I’m tempted to book that always one far least expensive NS and wait for a flight change to switch to the better flight for same price.

City schools have heat at home day today. Will be flirting with 90 & high humidity. It’s been up & down here, mostly lower temps and tons of rain.

Have you considered installing a whole house generator? Well, it’s more of key elements in the home. I assume it will take a long outage for my mr to set up the smaller one we have that is manual start.

Aw, that’s nice to remember her that way.

Hopefully, the kids will dodge the rain coming this week. It’s funny, our tix prices are still very low for the Pirates. Often the stands are full of people wearing jerseys from the other team, so many people come for home stands. Especially, from California as our CoL is low.

Didn’t know there were trees. I do like them and have a few in my yard. Deliberately keep them pruned, they get so spindly.

Friends have been trying to convince me for years to book the last NS flight into MCO. Then, take one of the nearby hotel shuttles & stay the night, returning to MCO after eating the complimentary breakfast and pick up rental then.

They swear it’s ‘the best way’ to start off trips there. Um, I don’t see me doing it unless I’d save four digits lol. Just too eager to get settled in to wherever. Interesting to hear how people do prefer to travel though

Hate that 5 am flight out, have settled into late am one & getting to hotel by 3 pm, often room is ready. Whatever park open till at least 9 pm to bop into for a few hours.

Oh, I’m having flashbacks now…help me JK

Those are very nice ones. Perfect bead size, it really matters IMO for comfort on the arm.

Made so many of them last year to help GD for T Swift concert, then again for HHN my fingers hurt & those tiny spacer/seed beads were so difficult to see, let alone thread on the elastic. Good job!

We did the hide the cruise duck thing too, attaching personalized tags to a hundred of them.

She hasn’t mentioned either this year, I’m not bringing the subject up.

That’s very smart and who doesn’t love to stretch out a special celebration? Woohoo

I was so excited to discover that google flight finally included SWA into their mix. I put on those price alerts so fast this AM for all trips I’m considering this year.

Oh, yea! The mr hasn’t seen the GoG overlay on the ToT. Even tho a twilight zone fan, I thought it well done. Don’t laugh, I’ve been purposely avoid any videos of the land for the last, what 5 years?as I wanted to be surprised. Same as with the ride thru for Tiana

Hahaha. It’s been a dry spell. I had mentioned my eldest DS will be there for
. The city is really expected to be lively! Looks like you are guaranteed home games on the 13th & 15th.

Sounds like a great way to spend an anniversary. Unmelted chocolates can be a rare find in Florida, I learned that the hard way with chocolate covered strawberries.

Lovely picture Janet, your GD is a star!!!!
Quick morning stop in before I get started on my daily tasks :surfweb:

Quiet night last night. It rained most of day - and finally stopped around 9 pm. I was hoping to get outside last night and finish up the last of my planting into grow bags....but sadly with the rain, that didn't happen.

Dh went to bed early last night, after staying up Sunday night watching the hockey game. Took the opportunity to catch up on some calls to family members.

I got some ingredients pre-cooked as I brought pierogi casserole for a staff potluck today. It is a one week extravaganza of celebrating all the different days - nursing, management, admin, physician etc etc. Today is a pot-luck. The lunch room is filled to the brim with crock pots :rotfl: It looks like from the form that went out to sign up to bring something that there will be LOTS of yummy food.

30 Anniversary today! Planning trips and chocolate for breakfast. Best wishes for the start of everyone's week!!
Congratulations!!! I don't think there is a better way to spend the day ::yes::
Kids are doing a road trip starting tomorrow.
Sounds like they will have fun and be busy. Safe travels for them
GD had another great elite track meet. Interesting as she doesn’t belong to a club, she competes unattached.
That's AMAZING!!!!!!!!

I hope your ds's have a quick recovery.
Didn’t know there were trees.
I'll attach a picture of it. It sprouts new shoots all the time and the grass under the tree doesn't grow great. We do need to do some trimming on it. There is some parts of it that need to come out as they are old and dead. I will have to get our ds's to dig out the chain saw to make that happen. But it needs to be done.

Well, I should get a few more tasks completed. My tea is almost empty now - the signal to start working instead of sitting back and checking patients in ;)

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Hello everyone. It has been a nice couple of uneventful days at work this week.
Nothing much going on here. Dh and I booked a room for an away football game this fall. It’s about a 3.5 hour drive for us. We wanted to go to the game that will be in Georgia, but for reasons I don’t understand it will be a Wednesday night game.

30 Anniversary today!
Happy belated anniversary!

Kids are doing a road trip starting tomorrow.
Safe travels for them.

Unexpected hospitalization for two of my DSs GM.
Hope everything will be okay for her.

GD had another great elite track meet.

she set a PR in 800 m run, took 1st in triple jump…same as the medals they also gave her from last meet. (The host team at that one failed to have them on hand last week eek). Got 4th in her other two events, long jump and 400 m. All in all a really fun but, long & hot day.
Wow. Congratulations to her.

I was so excited to discover that google flight finally included SWA into their mix. I put on those price alerts so fast this AM for all trips I’m considering this year.
I just recently learned about Google flights. They sent me a really good rate on Delta, but it leaves at 7 am, so I would have to leave home around 4 am. Nope!

Well, it`s been a while......I`m not even going to try and catch up what I`ve missed.....

May has been the busiest of months for us but all good!!
Welcome back.

Our lilac tree.
Very pretty.


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