Uncomfortable Morning with My Gallbladder Vent


<font color=darkorchid>Really, this year there's n
Jul 6, 2000
After being nearly pain free since the last major attack about 3 weeks ago, this is a real downer. I'm still waiting for insurance to OK a trip to the surgeon.

While this isn't a full blown attack, it's not a whole lot of fun either. The pain is coming in waves.

If it gets really bad, I'm going to the ER but we're not there yet. This current episode has now been going on for about 3 hours and is making me feel really yucky.

OK, vent over.
Oh I so feel for you. I had one really big attack and I swear it felt like I swallowed a huge rock. There was no question for me luckily, they just took it out. I hope things go quickly for you :grouphug:
I am so sorry to hear you are still suffering. Someone needs to light a fire under someone so you can have the surgery.
When I would have an attack, before I had it out, the only thing that would stop it would be a trip to the ER....and a shot of a narcotic...it was that bad..

I know what you mean about the pain coming in waves...I could only equate it to labor pains, it would start, build, and then dissipate.....and it was quite painful.

I would be ranting and raving at my insurance company, maybe tell them you are going to call the state insurance board if your state has one and report them... grrrrrrrr, insurance companies make me crazy..

Hope you feel better soon....
I sure feel for you...gall bladder pain is the worst. I had mine out in the early 70's when they cut you in half, :rotfl: but they did take ot the appendice then. It was a 10 day stay and a lot of pain. Now a days it's a piece of cake :cool1: My doctor at time put me on demerol as I had to wait 6 weeks for the surgery. I love demerol :)
I am with you, I have a post about gallbladder pain and surgery, I agree with one poster it is just like labor, I had one child without pain meds and I think this gallbladder attack is worse.
I just saw the surgeon yesterday and I am scheduled for the surgery Dec 6, I was like I have to suffer for 3 more weeks, his nurse said that is the first opening, but if you start running a fever or you get in unbeaarable pain then call us back and we will see if we can fit you in. Okay I can be fit in for a quick trip to get my bangs trimmed or maybe a quick polish change, but I do not want to be fit into getting my gallbladder taken out. :confused3
I hope you feel better soon and good luck.
When I had an attack a hot bath helped to ease the pain. I slept in the tub a couple of nights. Cutting WAY back on your fat intake will help you not to have attacks. When I was waiting for surgery I tried not to have more then 5 grams of fat per day. Most days I had no fat - I just ate fat free foods. It wasn't the most nutritious way to eat, but I couldn't take the attacks any longer
shellybaxter said:
When I had an attack a hot bath helped to ease the pain. I slept in the tub a couple of nights. Cutting WAY back on your fat intake will help you not to have attacks. When I was waiting for surgery I tried not to have more then 5 grams of fat per day. Most days I had no fat - I just ate fat free foods. It wasn't the most nutritious way to eat, but I couldn't take the attacks any longer

My doctor has told me to have no spicy food, no fat, no dairy and no raw veggies, I said what am I suppose to eat? He said you can have baked or grilled food and veggies that are cooked. I am a person that only likes my veggies a little scared warm not cooked and I love hot and spicy food, and I have a milk shake every Sat night, I plan on having one the Sat after my surgery.
On Monday when I was in a full blown attack I laid on a heating pad for about 15 min at a time and it seemed to help some.
I had mine out about 15 years ago. My attacks were in my back and would last for hours and then just dissapear. They had been going on for about 10 years but very rarely. We had gone to a family party with lots of spicy food and late that night I was in agony. My then DH had no sympathy for me and thought I was over reacting. The next day I went to the Dr. and they had no idea what it was. Went back the next day and they did blood work which came back strange which caused the dr. to check my gallbladder (remember the pain was in my back) so they did and ultrasound. Positive so they said they were going to schedule surgery in about a month but to come in to the ER if I were to start running a fever or vommiting. My DH jaw dropped (jerk). The next morning I was running 105 fever and vommiting but I still had to take DS to babysitter after going to store to get diapers then went to ER where they admitted me and did surgery that night. They ended up doing the big incision across my belly because I had huge gall stones. I was in the hospital for a week. Oh and DH, he ate some crow for not realizing how serious the situation was (jerk-he,s my ex now thank goodness).
DisnyMama said:
I had mine out about 15 years ago. My attacks were in my back and would last for hours and then just dissapear. They had been going on for about 10 years but very rarely. We had gone to a family party with lots of spicy food and late that night I was in agony. My then DH had no sympathy for me and thought I was over reacting. The next day I went to the Dr. and they had no idea what it was. Went back the next day and they did blood work which came back strange which caused the dr. to check my gallbladder (remember the pain was in my back) so they did and ultrasound. Positive so they said they were going to schedule surgery in about a month but to come in to the ER if I were to start running a fever or vommiting. My DH jaw dropped (jerk). The next morning I was running 105 fever and vommiting but I still had to take DS to babysitter after going to store to get diapers then went to ER where they admitted me and did surgery that night. They ended up doing the big incision across my belly because I had huge gall stones. I was in the hospital for a week. Oh and DH, he ate some crow for not realizing how serious the situation was (jerk-he,s my ex now thank goodness).

Your ex sounds like mine.


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