"You'd Never Let the Darkness Get the Best of You. I'm Sure of That," a Christmas 2023 Disney Trip Report from an Old Friend. - UPDATE June 11, 2024

I was always a little kid until about 10th grade… but I was quick and willing to try anything. :)
This sounds right!

Wow! Beautiful shot.
Thanks! I didn't take as many photos as usual, or as many I was happy with, but a few ended up being really nice :)

Interesting. Usually people say it’s either one particular park… or it’s between MK and another park.
Right? I know, strange. There's just something about these two parks for me, and they're both so different than I don't know how I'd pick a favourite! I think part of it is probably that between my motion sickness and just my personal preference, I tend to go for the more chill (...chiller?) rides, and I like parks that give me lots of opportunity to wander and take in the sights? I love the theming and the animal attractions at AK. I love all the different locations and innovation represented at EPCOT, while still giving a taste of whimsy and some characters. And maybe part of it is that both parks, though different, are very travel-focused? It's like you're on an adventure seeing different parts of the world, even if it's all manufactured? I haven't really given it much thought before, but that sounds kinda right.

What would you have done?

And yes it is weird that Figment is so close.
I'm thinking I might have gone for a face more like....

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...one of these? :laughing:
Thanks! I didn't take as many photos as usual, or as many I was happy with, but a few ended up being really nice :)
A few is all you need.
I like parks that give me lots of opportunity to wander and take in the sights?
That makes total sense. For me… my first pick is for nostalgia.
And maybe part of it is that both parks, though different, are very travel-focused?
I'm thinking I might have gone for a face more like....
:laughing: Any of those!
Dec. 21 — Part 3

When I last left off...*scrolls up*...we were about to be joined on our first park day at EPCOT by the rest of our family. Mom S, step-sister G, and niece B were on their way to find us. They may have done some things on their own after arriving in the park, not 100% sure, but I have a feeling they came straight to us as soon as they breezed into the park. Everyone was feeling excited to see each other. B had never park-toured with her auntie and uncle before, and was just bouncing to be able to tell us about some of her adventures thus far.

I'll pause here for a side note about B: Some of you may remember from my previous reports that I used to occasionally share photos of sweet B when she was a wee smol bean.



The funny thing about getting away from the DIS for a few years is that wee smol beans grow up! At least a bit! B turned 6 a couple of months before our trip and is probably now nearly unrecognizable to my DIS friends! Now she's the perfect age to enjoy a Disney trip, and it was so fun to be able to start sharing some of our Disney favourites with her. She loves the parks, and has yet to find a ride that she deems too fast. (She hasn't done Guardians or RnRC yet, so we'll see if that holds as she gets older.) I've suggested to S that their next trip should include a day or two at Universal, and S says I'll need to come and bring N along so B will have a ride buddy to take her on all the coasters that S can't handle anymore. :laughing: And B's mom, G, also ended up being a pretty solid ride buddy, so B will have some options. :thumbsup2

When the crew arrived, we caught up on our travel stories, and started walking toward our first attraction. On the way, we noticed a photopass photographer and decided to stop. I wanted to make sure we came away from this trip with a least a couple of photos where everyone was in the picture.



Our photopass photographer was animated, and they got us to try a couple of cute family poses. B was suffering from Direct Sunshine Squint Syndrome, but I still think these are cute. First day family fun!

I'm pretty sure at this point B also requested a snack, and I vaguely remember everyone getting frozen treats and me splitting a Mickey bar with N. My memory is triggered solely because I think that's the blurry semblance of a wrapper in the bottom of my photo of the Christmas tree...



Our first attraction as a party of 5 was Frozen Ever After, and since N and I weren't yet old news, we were B's requested ride buddies.


These movie-themed dark rides are still fun for me as a grown-up regardless, but extra fun when you can ride them with a kiddo. B's excitement, and her taunting about the scary drop and my wet tush, made it all the more amusing for us.

Another note: I was very impressed the two days we all travelled together at how well B held up and what a good touring buddy she was. The grown-ups set her up for success, making sure she was fed and reasonably well-rested, with lots of breaks/downtime for swimming at their resort and eating dinner in, etc. But she really managed to stay positive and relatively well-regulated. I don't remember any meltdowns on those two days, and even standard six-year-old whining was kept fairly to a minimum. She was in her element at WDW, and the moment she got home two days later she was already asking to go back. And, I mean, same, girl. Same. ::yes::

Next, we took a walk over toward The Seas. B and G rode Nemo with a....oh. When I used to write these reports, it was a "FP." Weird. Times change, I guess. Maybe I can abbreviate Genie+ (lightning lane) to GP? So it almost feels the same? I'm gonna do it! ....They rode with their GP....nah. Sounds like I'm talking about their family doctor. Okay. LL it is. ANYWAY. They went on the ride. S hung back with me and N to sit in the sun and chat.


The park was feeling busy enough, but not crazy. The holiday crowds were starting to grow, but we'd certainly feel it more within a couple of days. While we were waiting, a cast member with a dolphin skull (model? likely? real? maybe?) came over to chat with us for a bit. I asked some questions about the info she was sharing. (I remember none of it, but she was nice. :confused3) Then she went on her way to entertain others with fishy facts, and we waited for the girls to return. After a while, we realized that sending the 6 year old into the giant aquarium with her mother for the first time shortly before a lunch reservation might not have been the smartest idea. Just when S was contemplating going in to try to track them down, they emerged, and we walked the short distance to The Land for our lunch at Garden Grill!

I didn't take any food pics there, but the meal was fine. I seem to remember the beef being especially good, but everything was yummy and perfectly satisfactory. I had been starting to feel a little icky by the time lunch rolled around, but getting some sustenance and some shade worked well to perk me up a bit. I did end up taking selfies with all of our character meets—shocker—so I'll drop them here for proof of our lunch.





B got a kick out of telling Chip that he was my favourite, but that he shouldn't tell Dale.
Dec. 21 — Part 4

After our lunch, the group split so everyone could do their own thing. I still wasn’t feeling 100%, so I didn’t feel like hitting any more rides right away. N had an ILL for Guardians (on a full stomach! He’s crazy!) and the rest of the crew….did….something. They used Genie+ most days, so they probably had a ride reservation to get to.

While N was on Guardians, I sought out a photopass opportunity I was looking forward to. I liked the new “Walt the Dreamer” statue at EPCOT and wanted this shot:


I was happy to get this taken, but didn’t love the bright-sunny/splotchy-shady lighting. I figured we could try again in the evening. When N returned from the ride, we decided to head out of the park for a break. While we were walking out…


…N recounted the magical adventure that was his ride on Guardians. He absolutely loved it. Even just now, as I’m writing this, I just asked him what the best ride in all the parks is and, after some deliberation, he said “Guardians.” (With the caveat, however, that his favourite nostalgic ride is still Haunted Mansion, but that Guardians is his favourite thrill.) He didn’t experience any motion sickness—not that he often does, but a few rides bother him a little now that he’s getting old—and he said the whole length of the ride was just wildly fun and joyful. I think a smile was plastered on his face the entire time. Don’t ask me what song he got. No notes.


While we took a break at the timeshare, I rested, took some meds, and debated returning to the parks for the evening. It was our first day, and I was feeling yucky and a little tired. But I really wanted to get back for our dinner reservation that evening—especially for N’s benefit as it was one of his priorities—and for what would be a new nighttime show for us. Eventually we made the decision to return, after stopping in to visit S, B and G for a bit on the other side of the timeshare and pick up a gift B had found for me earlier in their trip in the parks. (She’d picked out a little wearable giraffe backpack since she knows that giraffes are my favourite animal. It’s an impractically small bag, but cute, and very thoughtful.)

By the time we walked back into the park, Spaceship Earth was dressed in her evening best.


I got another attempt at my statue photos, and while I still didn’t love the harsh glow of the underlighting up my nose, it would have to do for this trip. (The lighting was flattering on Walt, of course, but he looks good in anything.)



I know that we rode Soarin’ Over California on this trip, but I can’t remember whether it was on this day or our second EPCOT day. I’ll save my thoughts on it for then in case it shows up in my photos or I remember. (Can’t be bothered to look ahead and check now.) That also may mean that I’ll forget to come back to it. Oh well.

We DID, however, return to the Land next. Of that I’m sure, because the next photos in my phone are from the holiday overlay of Living with the Land.




I love this ride, and I especially love it in the evening with the magical holiday lights.
Dec. 21 — Part 5

After our ride, we wandered toward the World Showcase for a stroll toward the Japan pavilion. We had a new-to-us dinner reservation at Shiki Sai, and N and I were both anxious to try it. I like sushi, and had been interested in some of the gluten free offerings at this restaurant when I was doing my dining research. Plus I always just like when we get to have new experiences at Disney. N was especially excited to try Shiki Sai as he’s really interested in all things Japan: food, culture, language, anime/media, etc. He can be a little picky about certain food things sometimes, like spicy food, but I’m pretty sure if I told him something was a Japanese delicacy, he’d eat it no matter what it was and say it was pretty cool.

We were seated in good time and had an attentive server who didn’t hover but made sure we had what we needed. Of the two of us, I generally have more social anxiety, but N has his particular hang-ups. One thing that’s hard for him is not getting shy, uncomfortable, or indecisive ordering something new at a restaurant, or looking like he doesn’t know what he’s doing or what to order. Because I know this, and because I knew he was really invested in this restaurant experience, I asked our server for some recommendations for him from the menu. (And N appreciated this.) She made a few suggestions and gave a variety of options depending on his tastes and what he was feeling like eating. N ended up ordering Grilled Wagyu Gyoza (3 pc, Pan fried dumplings filled with smoky A5 Japanese wagyu beef,) and something else recommended by our server that I believe was quite possibly Kaisen Don (chef's choice fish served over rice):


He loved this meal and is already thinking about going back on a future trip to try other things. He thought the fish, and the food in general, was some of the best he’s had, but without feeling pretentious or unrelaxed due to the gastropub atmosphere.

I ordered the Japanese Potato Salad (with crispy bacon, smoked daikon and sweet red bean paste,) and went simple, as I often do, with a Snow Crab California Roll.


Both were delicious, and I was happy with my order. The potato salad with the sweet bean paste was really unique, but without being too adventurous for me. While simple, it’s a treat when I can have a California roll since they’re often made with [gluten-containing] imitation crab at a lot of our sushi places around home, and the real snow crab was delish. Eating something also had me feeling a bit better again, and gave me the confidence to get through our nighttime show plans. As a part of my mysterious medical symptoms leading up to the trip, I’d been having some difficulty with swallowing. Feeling like rice was stuck in my throat was a small price to pay to have tried this meal. Along with enjoying our food, I also thought the theming of the restaurant was really neat with the animated “window” scenes.


On our way out of the restaurant, I asked the hostess about their stamp card as we hadn’t been provided with one. She got one and stamped the winter season for us. I doubt we’ll ever get all four seasons stamped, especially since my school breaks don’t allow for travel in the autumn, and we rarely travel in the spring anymore. I don’t even know what the prize is for dining all four seasons, but it was a nice souvenir nonetheless.

After our dinner there was still lots of time before Luminous: The Symphony of Us. I’m gonna guess that it was a little over an hour away? (I could try to look it up and estimate, but I’m not going to.) I was starting to feel the fatigue of our first full touring day after a long and late travel day, so N and I decided to just find a place to park ourselves and wait for the show. We wandered for a bit, and noticed that the longer we wandered the more people were starting to claim front-row viewing. To be expected, I guess. We eventually found a secluded little place with a decent view of the lagoon tucked back along a wall that hadn’t started filling up yet. I’m trying to picture exactly where we were, and blanking. I want to say maybe it was tucked behind the Yorkshire County Fish Shop/Rose and Crown area before the International Gateway, but I can’t seem to remember whether a little wall-nook exists there or not. (You’d think I’d know the park inside and out with all the times we’ve visited, but apparently not.) And, ya know, no notes.

Wherever it was, it was a great spot for ground-sitting and back-again-wall-resting, and aside from the occasional butt-falling-asleep situation, we were quite comfortable there for the remainder of our wait.


I watched The Santa Clause 2 on my phone, and N scrolled social media and maybe worked on editing a video reel to upload to one of his artist social media pages.

Finally, Luminous began. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, so I hadn’t watched any recordings and didn’t know what to expect.




And the verdict? We liked it!

I quiiite liked it. While it relied on a bit more recycled Disney music than I might typically like, I thought their choices of songs were good, and I really liked a lot of the new songs/soundtrack. I also didn’t realize that “You’ll Be In My Heart” would be in the soundtrack, and N and I felt as if this was a special little moment just for us when it came up. This was the first real night of our trip, in EPCOT together, and it was the song I walked down the aisle to years ago at our EPCOT wedding. And while I still hold on to the nostalgic feelings I have for past Disney nighttime shows, Illuminations included, overall I felt Luminous was a win in my book.

Feet dragging, eyelids drooping, we shuffled out of the park and across the parking lot. N drove us back to the timeshare, and it was time to turn in. We had a busy day planned for tomorrow, and it would be our last opportunity to tour with the full crew before S, B, and G flew back to be home for Christmas.

I suspect there were other rides we did this day, and likely lots of shopping, but since I have no notes, this is what you get! Tune in next time for another questionably-accurate, likely-incomplete day of trip reporting where I’ll detail (hah!) our visit to the Magic Kingdom!
Maybe I can abbreviate Genie+ (lightning lane) to GP? So it almost feels the same? I'm gonna do it! ....They rode with their GP....nah. Sounds like I'm talking about their family doctor.
Too funny, I was following along with you and had the same thought as I got to GP! Not quite the same ring as FP.
Eventually we made the decision to return, after stopping in to visit S, B and G for a bit on the other side of the timeshare and pick up a gift B had found for me earlier in their trip in the parks. (She’d picked out a little wearable giraffe backpack since she knows that giraffes are my favourite animal. It’s an impractically small bag, but cute, and very thoughtful.)
I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. That was so sweet of B to think of you!
I also didn’t realize that “You’ll Be In My Heart” would be in the soundtrack, and N and I felt as if this was a special little moment just for us when it came up. This was the first real night of our trip, in EPCOT together, and it was the song I walked down the aisle to years ago at our EPCOT wedding.
That is such a good song to walk to! I love that and how special it was also in the soundtrack.
I don't think I've read your reports before but I'm very happy to be following along with you now and looking forward to each entry.

I'm old now but when I was your age (and traveling to Disney a lot as like now), I had so many problems and maladies that it was so easy to get depressed. Others in my age group seemed totally fine (yes, I was jealous) and I was the one with numerous doctors on speed dial. It was frustrating and upsetting and I'm so sorry for you.

I found that when I found the right specialist (sometimes by chance), it made a huge different in diagnosis and plan of action. I also research extensively. Though now that I have 'old-age' problems, I have an easier time accepting them and it's more logical and 'fair'. Your age isn't 'fair'..... very little is in this world is.

Stay strong. Know that others are thinking of you and are hoping you solve the problems and feel better.
I still am going to Disney 50 years later (when it opened) and my suitcase is loaded with tons of 'medical problem solvers' but I truly feel the sunshine, blue sky and yes, seeing the palm trees, is so good for mental health in order to deal with the other crapola.

I haven't gotten to the end of P. 3 yet but I so hope you had some pleasure on this trip. Many thoughts to you...
PS: LOVE your sweet animals.
I know you weren't feeling your best but you really had a great first day. I have yet to see Luminous, but your give me hope I will like it.
Everyone was feeling excited to see each other.
Always a plus. :)
B turned 6 a couple of months before our trip
Already???? Whaaaa???
I wanted to make sure we came away from this trip with a least a couple of photos where everyone was in the picture.

Nice shot of everyone.
B was suffering from Direct Sunshine Squint Syndrome
B's excitement, and her taunting about the scary drop and my wet tush, made it all the more amusing for us.
The grown-ups set her up for success, making sure she was fed and reasonably well-rested, with lots of breaks/downtime for swimming at their resort and eating dinner in, etc
Good job. Some parents forget why they brought their kids in the first place.
I don't remember any meltdowns on those two days
the moment she got home two days later she was already asking to go back. And, I mean, same, girl. Same. ::yes::
:laughing: Me too!
Maybe I can abbreviate Genie+ (lightning lane) to GP?
Then she went on her way to entertain others with fishy facts,
That sounds a little fishy.
After a while, we realized that sending the 6 year old into the giant aquarium with her mother for the first time shortly before a lunch reservation might not have been the smartest idea.
Whoops! But… fun memories. :)
the meal was fine. I seem to remember the beef being especially good, but everything was yummy and perfectly satisfactory.
Good enough. :)
I still wasn’t feeling 100%, so I didn’t feel like hitting any more rides right away.
Sorry to hear that.
N had an ILL for Guardians (on a full stomach!
Brave lad!
I liked the new “Walt the Dreamer” statue at EPCOT and wanted this shot:
I’m hoping to get this shot too
N recounted the magical adventure that was his ride on Guardians. He absolutely loved it.
With the caveat, however, that his favourite nostalgic ride is still Haunted Mansion, but that Guardians is his favourite thrill.
I accept
I like this pose. :)
We had a new-to-us dinner reservation at Shiki Sai
Never even heard of it.
N has his particular hang-ups. One thing that’s hard for him is not getting shy, uncomfortable, or indecisive ordering something new at a restaurant, or looking like he doesn’t know what he’s doing or what to order. Because I know this, and because I knew he was really invested in this restaurant experience, I asked our server for some recommendations for him from the menu. (And N appreciated this.)
Nice of you to suggest that.
Finally, Luminous began. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise, so I hadn’t watched any recordings and didn’t know what to expect
Haven’t seen it. Glad you linked it.
I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. That was so sweet of B to think of you!
Thanks! Yes, she's a sweetie. Even though she's an only child, she's always been thoughtful and considerate of others.

That is such a good song to walk to! I love that and how special it was also in the soundtrack.
Thanks! We thought it was a great fit. We had my bridesmaids walk to "Go the Distance" from Hercules.

I know you weren't feeling your best but you really had a great first day. I have yet to see Luminous, but your give me hope I will like it.
It really was a pretty great first day, all considered. I really liked Luminous and look forward to seeing it again sometime.
I don't think I've read your reports before but I'm very happy to be following along with you now and looking forward to each entry.
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here!!

I'm old now but when I was your age (and traveling to Disney a lot as like now), I had so many problems and maladies that it was so easy to get depressed. Others in my age group seemed totally fine (yes, I was jealous) and I was the one with numerous doctors on speed dial. It was frustrating and upsetting and I'm so sorry for you.
And I'm so sorry you've dealt with a similar situation. It's hard not to let it get to you sometimes, and it can have a lot of negative mental health effects. Once in a while it does get to me to think of my same-aged friends who aren't having the same struggles. But trying not to get bogged down in it too much.

Stay strong. Know that others are thinking of you and are hoping you solve the problems and feel better.
Thanks so much for this, and for your whole message. I really appreciate it!

PS: LOVE your sweet animals.
Thank you! We think they're pretty special.
Already???? Whaaaa???
Right!? Amazing how fast time flies! She was born shortly after N and I got married, and we'll have our 7 year anniversary this summer.

Nice shot of everyone.
Thanks! I love that we can have these photos now, and everyone even looks happy!

Good job. Some parents forget why they brought their kids in the first place.
Totally. The point is to have all those happy memories, right? Let's set her up to be happy! Not that every kid doesn't have their moments on vacation, or sometimes hit unexpected limits. But I was happy with how well she handled things with enough downtime and lots of snacks.

I like this pose. :)
Thanks! Me too. The statue had really turned into a photopass-type-attraction when we were there, and I hope/expect that'll die down in future. But it was great for the purposes of getting these photos.

Haven’t seen it. Glad you linked it.
I enjoyed it! I'm generally cynical when it comes to new shows, but I was pleasantly surprised.
When the crew arrived, we caught up on our travel stories, and started walking toward our first attraction. On the way, we noticed a photopass photographer and decided to stop. I wanted to make sure we came away from this trip with a least a couple of photos where everyone was in the picture.
I love this picture!! B is super tall for six. :)
I didn't take any food pics there, but the meal was fine. I seem to remember the beef being especially good, but everything was yummy and perfectly satisfactory. I had been starting to feel a little icky by the time lunch rolled around, but getting some sustenance and some shade worked well to perk me up a bit. I did end up taking selfies with all of our character meets—shocker—so I'll drop them here for proof of our lunch.
Such cute photos!
While N was on Guardians, I sought out a photopass opportunity I was looking forward to. I liked the new “Walt the Dreamer” statue at EPCOT and wanted this shot:
I love that shot!
I love this ride, and I especially love it in the evening with the magical holiday lights.
After our ride, we wandered toward the World Showcase for a stroll toward the Japan pavilion. We had a new-to-us dinner reservation at Shiki Sai, and N and I were both anxious to try it. I like sushi, and had been interested in some of the gluten free offerings at this restaurant when I was doing my dining research. Plus I always just like when we get to have new experiences at Disney. N was especially excited to try Shiki Sai as he’s really interested in all things Japan: food, culture, language, anime/media, etc. He can be a little picky about certain food things sometimes, like spicy food, but I’m pretty sure if I told him something was a Japanese delicacy, he’d eat it no matter what it was and say it was pretty cool.
I am glad to hear you had such a good experience. :)
He loved this meal and is already thinking about going back on a future trip to try other things. He thought the fish, and the food in general, was some of the best he’s had, but without feeling pretentious or unrelaxed due to the gastropub atmosphere.
Sounds fabulous!
I ordered the Japanese Potato Salad (with crispy bacon, smoked daikon and sweet red bean paste,) and went simple, as I often do, with a Snow Crab California Roll.
Also delicious!
I quiiite liked it. While it relied on a bit more recycled Disney music than I might typically like, I thought their choices of songs were good, and I really liked a lot of the new songs/soundtrack. I also didn’t realize that “You’ll Be In My Heart” would be in the soundtrack, and N and I felt as if this was a special little moment just for us when it came up. This was the first real night of our trip, in EPCOT together, and it was the song I walked down the aisle to years ago at our EPCOT wedding. And while I still hold on to the nostalgic feelings I have for past Disney nighttime shows, Illuminations included, overall I felt Luminous was a win in my book.
I've only watched Luminous in person once and they are parts I really like. I feel it is much more reflective and emotional than many other shows.
I'm here! It took me longer than I care to admit to realize you had a new report, but no matter. Better late than never. And I'm so glad you decided to start a new report. I have loved following along with your trips.

You weren't kidding, B is almost unrecognizable now! I'm so happy to hear that she had a wonderful trip. Getting to ride attractions at Disney with your aunt is the epitome of cool. I loved getting those opportunities as a child, so I'm sure this a memory she'll remember.

Making that call between going back to your resort (or staying in) and touring the parks is a very difficult one. I'm glad you took the evening very easy and that Luminious was worth the effort.

And it sounds like this was a very successful day for N, between disovering Guardians and eating a fabulous dinner.
I love this picture!! B is super tall for six. :)
She really is! Tallest girl in her grade 1 class, I believe. And that’s impressive since she has one of the later birthdays.

I am glad to hear you had such a good experience. :)
Thanks! We really did. I’d definitely eat there again.

I'm here! It took me longer than I care to admit to realize you had a new report, but no matter. Better late than never. And I'm so glad you decided to start a new report. I have loved following along with your trips.
I’m so glad you’re here!! Welcome!! And thanks for the kind words. :lovestruc
You weren't kidding, B is almost unrecognizable now! I'm so happy to hear that she had a wonderful trip. Getting to ride attractions at Disney with your aunt is the epitome of cool. I loved getting those opportunities as a child, so I'm sure this a memory she'll remember.
Hard to believe how grown up she is now! And I’m sure another 4-5 years will be another huge change in her. I hope those memories are as nice for her as I know they will be for me!

And I meant to quote your comment about Luminous, but I’m making a mess of things trying to do replies on my phone. Ugh. Anyway. It was definitely worth it and I’m so glad we got to see it for the first time!
Hi, friends! I'm back with another update! (Sorry for the delay, but I suppose this shouldn't be surprising for you all. You were warned that this TR could always go sideways.)

The weather is finally starting to shape up here in eastern Canada, and we've been spending lots of time outdoors working away on our yard and garden. This is only our second summer in our house, and while we inherited some nice plants and landscaping, Nathan and I have been working away to make our yard our own little oasis to our own tastes.

I am a little less than 3 weeks from the end of my school year, and because I am currently back on a reduced 3-day week for my medical leave/gradual return to work plan, that means I have about 9 school days left to go! I love my job and my students, but I have to be honest that I won't be upset to see this school year in the rearview mirror. It's certainly had its ups and downs.

In other-but-related news, I have secured a series of appointments at the Mayo Clinic for later this summer in hopes of getting more information about my health and my recent challenges. My mom and I will be travelling there soon and I'll be undergoing some testing and participating in lots of consults. The feelings are mixed on this. I'm excited and grateful for the opportunity, nervous for the travel and the uncomfortable medical experiences, and already trying to mitigate my anticipated-disappointment if I don't receive the answers I hope for.

In the meantime, it's time to get another update going to keep my mind on the thing that makes us all feel better, more hopeful, our very best selves.... Disney trips! Continuing on with....

Dec. 22 — Part 1

Day two of park-touring on this trip, and [I'm guessing that] we were up and moving early. We were headed to the Magic Kingdom to meet up with the rest of the fam for a Crystal Palace brunch and some fun as this was the last day of S, G, and B's trip. I think we had some snacks at the timeshare before we left, but I have no evidence of this. I just know myself and know that I wouldn't have waited until mid-morning to eat, and I know we'd stopped for some grocery items the day before. (Which I probably didn't include in my previous updates....just remembering now...oops.)

The first picture I have from the day is from the ferry on our way over to the MK...


...and while we were on the ferry I sent S a message to let her know that we were on the way. I seem to recall that they were just a bit behind us? Or ahead of us? Or on the monorail? Definitely not on our boat. I would have remembered that.

While we were getting in to the MK, I noticed that I'd also missed a call from my nurse pracitioner's office (my primary care provider.) I'd been fighting to try to get them to put some referrals in for some additional testing, and there had been a lot of confusion and miscommunication, so I was frustrated to have missed the call. I managed to get them back on the phone and clarified that the referrals would be put in before the NP went on vacation, and that they would be back in office after Jan. 1. (Spoiler alert: they were not back in office after Jan. 1. My nurse practitioner ended up going on an unexpected-to-me leave of absence, and so my care continued to be even more disjointed, but alas, I digress! I didn't have that stress on my radar at this point in our magical trip, so let's move on!)

We met up with the rest of the crew, and S requested a family photo under the Main Street Christmas tree. B continued with her new M.O. of squinting her way through the photopass photos, but we managed to come up with a few decent ones where everyone was pretty much looking at the camera and looked happy to be there...

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We strolled along Main Street, taking our time. I'm pretty sure a bathroom visit was in order. Amazing how many more times someone has to go pee when you travel with a larger group! I think we also did some shopping. I seem to remember that there was something specific I wanted at The Emporium that required assistance from a couple of CMs, but now I have no idea what it was or why. I do have photographic evidence of one of the purchases I made though. It was this outlandish, bright, absolutely joyful bucket hat!


It's reversible!


I love it.

When we finally made it to the end of the Main Street, we were already getting close-ish to our late breakfast reservation at the Crystal Palace. The castle stage show was in progress, so we decided to camp out and listen for a bit.

I grabbed a quick selfie with The Most Beautiful Castle on Earth:


To be fair, the other castles also seem beautiful, and I've only seen two of them in person before, so this may not be a fair statement. On that note...reader engagement time!

1. What other Disney castle do you think I've seen IRL before?
2. What's your personal favourite Disney castle (or other Disney "weenie" if you'd rather)?

Lemme know!

While we were enjoying the ambience and the show, S (who often plays a primary guardian role for B,) allowed [even encouraged?] B to stay standing up on this ledge to get a better view of the show. I try not to intervene in any disciplinary/parenting-type decisions, and I almost never go against my mom's judgement, but sometimes she surprises me by being a little more laissez faire than I would be with the rules. I hid my eyes and just waited for the moment when a CM would come and instruct her to get down, but the CM never came. I never would have let her do it, but it looks cute in the picture.


Soon enough it was time to head over to the Crystal Palace for our meal. We usually enjoy this meal. I love the variety at both breakfast and dinner, and find that there's usually something good for everyone. N will take or leave this breakfast, but S and I are always keen to go back. I find the table service that I enjoy can be a little limited at MK compared to other parks, so CP is usually a fairly go-to for me, even if it wouldn't fall in my top WDW restaurants.

I also love the character interactions here. Pooh and friends were so sweet, and it was extra fun to enjoy some character meets with a young kiddo in our party. I usually have great character interactions even when I meet characters on my own, or just with N, but I found there was a little extra energy and magic when they had B to play off as well. I'm sure S took some photos on her phone, but I don't have those to work with, so use your imaginations and think about the kind of fun that happens with giant fur characters, an over-enthusiastic-Disney-loving aunt, and a shy selectively mute but Disney-loving six-year-old, and that's what it looked like probably. All I have for proof of the whole event is these three selfies...



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I love these guys. Especially Eeyore.

B is getting to an age where she still enjoys the characters but is starting to ask questions. I'm not sure how much longer we'll get to have this same dynamic when we see characters....this may have even been the last trip for it(?) So it means a lot to me that we got to share that with her.

Part of my health challenges has been reduced appetite, nausea and GI issues, especially after eating a meal. By the time we were done at the CP, I was ready to head out for a break. N and I split from the group, made a detour to the purple wall for a selfie...

#nofilter. Can't be bothered to edit any of these unless you want to wait about a million additional years for an update.

...and headed back to the timeshare.

While we were gone, S, G, and B rode some rides and enjoyed their last park day to the fullest!

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Oops! Unexpected photopass photo caught G off-guard?

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I didn't bother asking her why she was on her phone on the Haunted Mansion. I hope it was for a good reason, or to try to book another LL, etc., because if it was because she was bored or didn't like it I won't be able to forgive that!

In the next update, after some rest we'll be back at the MK to make the most of our special event tickets! Will I get to see the parade? The fireworks? Will I crap out before getting the chance to deck a single hall or trim a single tree? What will have me more-than-typically-anxious this evening? Tune in next time to find out on....Woody's Roundup! He's the very best! He's the rootin'est....oh. Never mind. Just stick around for the next update? Please? Thanks. Byeeee!


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