"What am I even doing with my life?" Comments Welcome!

I have been SO bad with coming here to post, but I have still been running. Things have just been incredibly busy with the holidays and then with work.

I got my 6 miler in on Saturday and it went pretty well. Really consistent splits! With that said, I did miss my 2 mile run today. It's just SO cold, I worked late, and my running path is iced over. On my Tuesday run, my calves were hurting from trying to avoid ice/slipping.I couldn't bring myself to go out today now that it's worse. @DopeyBadger would it be a bad idea to throw that 2 mile run in on Sunday? It would be 4 days back to back, but this week was a pretty low mileage week....
I wish I could say that this was a good running week, but it wasn't. However, it was also a terrible week in my day to day life, so honestly? That tracks.

I want to briefly touch on some of the things that happened over the past week or so because it definitely had an impact on my running. First, one of my closest friend's sister unexpectedly passed away. Then, another friend's father passed away after a battle with COVID. These two things didn't directly impact me - but I was stressed and worried for them. I also worked about a billion extra hours this week.

All of that took an emotional toll, but the thing that impacted me the most was that my sister slipped and fell on ice Tuesday. She hit her head and ended up going to an emergency room. The ER said there was a 50/50 chance that she had a brain bleed, but that they weren't equipped to handle it needed intervention (rural hospital + my sister has a metal plate in her head because of prior brain surgeries). So, she was put in an ambulance and transferred to a Level I trauma hospital an hour and a half away. She's home now and she's fine. She had a concussion and a minor subdural hemorrhage that didn't require intervention.

ANYWAY, long story short is that I ended up missing a 4 mile run because of all that. I didn't feel right going for a run on icy roads while my sister was in an ER for slipping on ice. That + I was exhausted and got no sleep.

I did do the rest of my runs, but some were short. On Monday, my run was supposed to be 3 miles, but I only got 2.89 in. It was sooooo icy and once I got to my car, it wasn't worth it to add the additional .11. Then today was my first 7 mile run. Honestly? It went TERRIBLY. It wasn't icy, but the paths were packed with snow. I only got 6.28 miles in and ended up having to do some walking as well. I was just so tired throughout and the snow made it really difficult. My v02 max plummeted.

Overall it was just....not my week. Frustrating, but in the end, running is a hobby and safety, health and family are definitely more important. I'm trying not to let it bother me that I didn't get all my runs in and the runs I did do weren't great, but it's hard mentally.
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At this point, I feel like I am doing nothing but frustrating myself and complaining on here.

I got all my runs in last week! Success! I was really happy about that. Things seemed to be getting back on track after the terrible week before it. It was also my birthday! I turned 33.

And then....because of course...this week fell off the rails. First, it decided to snow insane amounts quickly. Okay, no big deal. I'll use the treadmill. NOPE. The treadmill belt wasn't working so I needed to order the lubricant for it, because OF COURSE, we didn't have any. Fine, no big deal, I delayed my run and quickly ordered off Amazon. It came the next day and I got my first run in of the week. I figured I would just rearrange things a bit and I'd still be able to get all my runs in.

HAHA, good joke.

Then, our family cat died (he didn't live with me, it was the family cat between myself, siblings, parents) very unexpectedly. Upsetting, but wouldn't affect the run. Oh, but that doesn't mean something else didn't impact my runs. So, we go to bed Tuesday night and wake up to the sound of alarms. Our carbon monoxide detector went off. I was hoping it was the battery, but nope! The readings were high and we had to rush outside in -10 degree weather and call a fire department. Fire department came and also detected high readings. They were thankfully not high enough to cause illness (yet) and I'm so grateful that our alarms worked. With that said, the fire department determined that our furnace needed to be shut off. Did I mention it was -10 without wind chills?

So, we finally get back in the house and have to contact out HVAC guy. They got to us pretty quickly. Unfortunately, the furnace was not fixable and we needed a brand new one. 15 hours later, the furnace is installed. Needless to say, I wasn't able to get a run in either outdoors or indoors and things have just a complete mess here.

The month of January always seems to conspire against me. Again, I feel like I am just constantly complaining. At this point, I don't know what to do. I have an 8 mile run scheduled Saturday that I do plan on trying to run. Then next week, I should be able to get all my runs in. However, after that I'm on vacation so my schedule is abnormal.

I feel like this plan is just completely off the rails and at this point I have missed so many runs. Do I just continue where I'm at? Do I need to rework the plan when I get back from my trip? If it was just this week, I would think I should just continue. But, there's just been constant unavoidable issues popping up throughout this whole month that has me severely off track. I feel like I'm failing at this really great plan that was set up for me and I'm not sure if continuing the plan exactly as written would be detrimental.

This month needs to end.
Right, so as a running recap:

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Screen Shot 2022-01-27 at 11.52.45 AM.png

-Missed 1/3/22
-Missed 4 miler (written on 1/15), probably 1/9/22
-1/10/22 was 2.89 mi instead of 3 mi (that's negligible)
-1/15/22 was 6.28 mi instead of 7 mi (in snowy conditions, that's negligible)
-All runs completed week of 1/17-1/23
-Missed 1/24/22
-Missed 1/25/22

I'd say your training is hardly off the rails. You missed four total runs, and had two negligibly reduced. You are more than fine. Today is a good day to get back into the swing of things. Maybe reduce today to 3 miles and reduce Sat LR to 6-7 miles. Do the runs while on vacation and you'll be all ready to go for the last 10 weeks of training.
Man, that made me feel a lot better about where I’m at.

You don’t foresee an issue going from 6-7 miles this week to a 9 mile long run after the vacation (as long as I get in the runs between now and then)? I was worried about there being a jump on mileage.
You don’t foresee an issue going from 6-7 miles this week to a 9 mile long run after the vacation (as long as I get in the runs between now and then)? I was worried about there being a jump on mileage.

No. Not as long as you can be consistent from here to there with all the runs. The totality of everything will be enough to prepare you to go from 6-7 to 9.
Wow, haven't updated for a month!

I hope everyone who ran Princess had a great time. I will try to pick back up with updating this, but I keep getting sidetracked. Between the actual running, the insanity at my job, and some recent life changes (I have started the process to buy my first home!!!!!!), I just keep forgetting to come here and post.

My next race is in 3ish weeks. It's just an 8k, but I continue to get ready for it! After that, I begin the count down to a half.
Whoa hey!
Still here and running!!

I ran the Shamrock Shuffle yesterday! I didn’t quite hit the pace my training plan recommended. I finished with a 12:50 average pace. For some reason my second mile was really slow which really dragged down my overall pace.

next race is a half in about a month.

I’m still house hunting as well. Ugh. Seeing a house later today. Cross your fingers and toes for me!!
I have both happy and sad news.

I’m under contract on a house!!!! If all goes well, I’ll be a first time home owner in June!!! I’m so excited! The place is perfect for the two of us with some room to grow. It’s not a forever home, but it’s a perfect starter home. I’m also getting a puppy! My boyfriends dads dogs just had puppies and we decided to keep one!

Sad news…I’ve decided not to do marathon weekend. I’m probably going to regret it as it gets closer, but I couldn’t justify the expense of the trip while buying a home and working on furnishing it from basically nothing. That plus training would have been hard while moving into my first house. I’m sure I could have made ir work both financially and physically, but having to register while going through the inspection, appraisal, underwriting etc was just too much.

Maybe if it opens back up in the fall, I can reconsider, but it just wasn’t in the cards with other life things going on. 😭😭😭😭

Maybe next time. Ugh.
Just now reading about the nightmare people had registering. So it probably won’t open back up anyway. Haha
Congrats on the home! As someone who just recently moved, I can attest that it can be very difficult to train and move at the same time. My biggest struggle was feeling guilty about my runs when I thought I should be packing/unpacking.

Yay for puppies! What kind?
Congrats on the home! As someone who just recently moved, I can attest that it can be very difficult to train and move at the same time. My biggest struggle was feeling guilty about my runs when I thought I should be packing/unpacking.

Yay for puppies! What kind?
German Shepard!

They’re currently 13 days old and adorable little nuggets. I’m impatiently waiting for them to start opening their eyes.


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