We Only Had to Wait in Line Twice For This - An April 2024 runDisney TR *Updated 5/30 x2*

Love your writing style. Looking forward to your report!

Thanks so much!

I really enjoyed our visit. Can't wait to read about your adventures after that.

As always, your start is so well done.

I curious on how much running Alex does for work? I know him being there with you help to bring you to another level.

Well you know my days didn't go anywhere close to what I planned after our visit. :rolleyes: :rotfl:

For work, Alex has to pass a Physical fitness test once a year (some people have to test twice a year if they make less than a 90 on the test) and that involves different elements, one of which being a 1.5 mile run. The time requirement varies based on your age.
But because of Alex's job, he leads others in exercises and he actually has a great knack for being a pacer. So a few times a week, he'll go out with others and say, I'm going to do 1.5 miles in 10:30 or 11 minutes.
And then there's usually a 5K on Friday mornings.
And then ruck runs. Where they run with about 40 lbs of weight on their back.

Love your reports! Looking forward to reading more

Thanks for following along on another report! :goodvibes
I’m here and I totally misunderstood the title until I read your intro. I thought every thing was a walk on exterior for 2 rides :rotfl: Now I’m even more excited to read all about it! You and Alex are a perfect match for eachother and we both know he likes the better park best :rotfl:
Delighted you’ve started a new report :goodvibes

You're right, I definitely wrote that incorrectly. :rotfl: I went back and made it a little more clear.

I'm so happy to have you here, even if you and Alex have bad tastes in favorite parks. :rotfl2::goodvibes

Can’t wait to hear all about your trip

Welcome! Thanks for joining along.

Joining in, excited to read more!

Thanks for following along!
Wednesday, April 17th Part 1:

Our travel day began at the unacceptable hour of 4 a.m.


Unfortunately, our local regional airport only offers two flights a day. One at 9 o’clock at night. The other at 6 in the morning.

And when you’re on your way to Disney, there’s no way you’re waiting until 9 p.m. to leave.

Naturally, the week of the races were the busiest week of the year for the kids.

Why wouldn’t it be?

So before my mom could drop us off at the airport, I had to go over the game plan with her.

A daily schedule was created.


With room for additional notes.

Poor woman.

Seriously, though, it was kind of ridiculous how busy Landon and Evie were while I was gone. Landon had 2 state tests, a choir spring concert rehearsal, 2 activities after school, and a last minute spirit day at school that needed planning. Evie had two field trips, her final Girl Scout meeting, and a birthday party to attend that weekend.

My mom’s getting a very heartfelt Mother’s Day gift this year.:rotfl:

The airport was a whopping ten minutes from our house, and when I say it was small, I am not exaggerating the point. One gate. One baggage carousel.

Our little plane got us into Dallas at 7 a.m., where Alex and I hunted down breakfast.

We ended up at IHOP.

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Breakfast of champions!

While not gourmet, it did the job and kept us full enough to make it until dinnertime.

Afterwards, I headed to a Starbucks for my first cold brew of the trip!

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Sadly, it was terrible. The coffee tasted old, which I’m not sure how that’s possible with a cold brew. Plus, I forgot about Texas water.

It’s gross.

I know everyone gives Florida grief for its tap water.

But North Texas is worse.

Come at me.

Our next flight wasn’t until noon, so Alex and I hunted down the airport’s
USO. Sometimes, they are located before security, but Dallas’s was in the B terminal.

For anyone who can use an USO, I highly recommend Dallas’s. It was one of the better establishments I’ve been to. There was a quiet side for people needing sleep, a dining area with a kitchenette run by volunteers. There was a kid room, private bathrooms, and a tv room with about 12 lounge chairs.

Alex and I grabbed 2 of them and read our books for about an hour.

The calm and familiar atmosphere in the USO was priceless. It kept us decompressed and at ease before rejoining the chaos of the airport terminals.

I’m a massive fan of the USO.

They kept our sanity in Charlotte when our flight was delayed four hours, providing a space for the kids to play and eat.

In Baltimore, the USO was a place to store our luggage when we were moving overseas and had to wait 6 hours for our military flight.

And when Alex was deployed, the USO in Germany provided a dinner for deployed families, where all I had to do was go and pick up a full meal, complete with pie for dessert.

They gave me free pie.

They’re amazing.

So in case you weren’t familiar with the USO, just know they are a spectacular organization, and what I mentioned barely scratched the surface on everything they do for the armed forces.

The flight to Orlando was uneventful. There were a lot of cheer groups heading down to the sunshine state, but they didn’t bother us. I meant to sleep and listen to my podcast but my book, one from Taylor Jenkens Reid, was really good, so my bibliophile self continued that hobby. Alex watched a show on his Ipad.

Not very riveting, but it was glorious. Simply because I wasn’t being tapped on the shoulder every five seconds by a small human, complaining about their app not working or being hungry or asking what they should do to entertain themselves.

Alex’s flight was the same regardless.

At 2 o’clock, we landed in Orlando and it was off on the fake o-rail, seeing that hideously beautiful green carpet, smelling the moisture that rests in the air in Florida.

Alex’s brother and sister were picking us up, and it only took about 20 minutes for us to get our bags and change into some shorts.

Before I realized it, my crew was approaching Disney property.

No, really, I didn’t realize we were getting close until it was too late.

Resulting in this amazing photo of the entrance:

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Stick with me for more photography tips.

I had booked us a 4:40 dinner reservation at Disney Springs, so the four of us headed straight there.

Disney Springs is our traditional first stop on a trip. Not sure why, but now that it’s set, we can’t break the habit. It’s cement in our Disney touring plans.

What’s yours?

Or are you normal and mix things up every time?


The first order of business at Disney Springs was to grab some waters from D-Luxe and then go buy Photopass. I learned my lesson last year.

Just buy the package in order to get the race photos.

Because if you can’t spam your friends on social with photographic proof you ran a race, did you even do it?

Fortunately, there is a military discount for Photopass that’s 98 dollars and you get it for a month.

Alex and I were going to try our hardest to get our money’s worth out of it.

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Look at this.

Vacation had begun.

Hot diggity dog!

The next hour was spent perusing World of Disney, the CoOp, and a few other locations. I made it one lap around WoD before I chose the Florida heat and escaped to the sunshine. This store is madness. Always. I can’t do it.

My BIL went to check out the Star Wars store, and while we waited for him I noticed a Photopass Photographer standing around.

Might as well take advantage of the package!

This sweet CM was so enthusiastic and really tried to frame us all in the best way. We weren’t sure how the pictures were going to turn out, but they ended up really nice.

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Strolling along, the siblings wanted to pop into a shoe store to find some new kicks and use our AP discount.

But first!

I had to stop a grab a photo in front of my favorite eatery in Walt Disney World.

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I mean, I was wearing my
Six Ravens shirt from Gideon’s, I had to do it.

It was at that moment, smelling the coffee and chocolate wafting out of the doors, sporting a shirt with my favorite animal on it, that I felt it.

That shift.

That click.

That exhalation that carries with it the words:

“You’re in Disney. You’re in your happy place.”

Thank goodness.

Let’s eat!

Alex and I have been trying to eat at Chef Art Smith’s Homecoming for YEARS. We must have had three reservations in the past that just never worked out.

Thank goodness, we finally broke the curse this trip.

We checked in with the hostess stand and were immediately seated.

Alex and I really wanted to try one of the moonshine drinks, but we were being responsible this evening. We knew we had the races coming up, and since we flew all day we both knew we were dehydrated.

Water for us.

Don’t worry, we made poorer choices later on.


Alex and his siblings all ordered the Fried Chicken main. And over half of it ended up going home with the siblings to eat at a later date.

I got the
Thigh High Chicken Biscuits and everyone split a side of the Mac and Cheese.

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All the food was delicious. The Mac and Cheese, especially, was a winner.

My biscuits were everything I hoped and more, and the hot honey wasn’t spicy at all. Unfortunately, I made it 1.5 biscuits in before I had to admit defeat.

Those beauts were deceptively filling!

Homecoming was absolutely worth the wait, and Alex and I have no doubt we will return again in the future. Probably when Landon’s a teenager and can help polish off our dishes.

After dinner, the four of us walked around some more, trying to sink our food a little.

It worked for Alex.

Who wasn’t about to leave Disney Springs without grabbing a treat at his favorite ice cream spot.

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The vegan salted caramel peanut butter scoop from Salt and Straw had been on his mind for weeks.

It held up to his memories.

I managed a small bite and noted that it was very caramel heavy.

Completely stuffed and shopped out, Alex and I allowed his siblings to drive us to our resort.

Time to check in!

And go to bed.



We’d been up since 4 a.m. We needed to make the smart call and have an early night.

But would we be smart?

Or would the Disney allure addle our brains?

Up Next: It Always Tries to Break at Night Because It Hates Me
Following! I just spent half of today binging your last TR (between doing May the 4th stuff AND Free Comic Book day at my friend’s comic book store). Your writing style is fantastic!
You are off to a fantastic start. That photo of you in front of Gideon’s says it all! You are definitely in your happy place and it shows :goodvibes
Honestly if I can’t be in Disney, your trip reports are the next best thing. You have me smiling just reading along. The photopass photographer did a great job too.
Kudos to grandma holding the fort at home too. Those grandkids like to keep us all on our toes what with all the activities and parties etc. The alarms on my phone are mostly related to Lucas so that I pick him up when I’m supposed to :rotfl:
E.T.A our arrival day tradition is always the same. We usually get in at teatime and the boys are “starving to death” as they are not lovers of airplane food but we are also knackered as 9 hours on a plane is looong. I’m the eijit who isn’t on holiday properly until the bags are unpacked so dinner is in the room. Used to be room service but last time it was a pick up from Ale & Compass as there was no room service anymore. This, after many years of someone literally falling asleep at the table in restaurants between ordering their meal and it arriving ( not me I might add though I’ve come close 😂). Trying to walk a half asleep kid/teen back from dinner was no joke so now we eat in the room and if someone falls asleep well there’s no issue. It also means I get everyone unpacking while one person gets the food and then we are sorted and the holiday has begun.
Most times we will also try to go for a short walk just to stretch our legs, get some air, feel the glorious Florida sun ( which feels less glorious at noon the next day and a/c becomes King). Then bed. Then 2am jet lag kicks in and we are awake, WIDE AWAKE, sneaking kindles under bedcovers to read hoping not to disturb any lucky soul who is not awake, begging the sun to come up so we can can get up and shower awake, and then I smile to myself and think how lucky I am that I get to do it all. Some of my favourite memories of trips are the ones were we had a balcony and I’d sneak out on to it in the wee small hours with my bottle of water and hear those early morning sounds that are distinct to Florida and watch the world awaken. Definitely my happy place🥰
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And when you’re on your way to Disney, there’s no way you’re waiting until 9 p.m. to leave.

YES. We’re braving a 6:30am flight with young children for exactly that reason. Our alternative on our preferred airline would’ve gotten us there after 4:00pm which is unacceptable.

A daily schedule was created.


With room for additional notes.

Poor woman.

Oh goodness. :rotfl: Kids’ schedules are nuts!

I’m sure you would’ve delivered anyway, but a great Mother’s Day gift for your mom sounds like it was well-deserved.

Resulting in this amazing photo of the entrance:


That’s amazing! I love it.

Disney Springs is our traditional first stop on a trip. Not sure why, but now that it’s set, we can’t break the habit. It’s cement in our Disney touring plans.

What’s yours?

It’s shifted a bit! Early sister trips started at Epcot with dinner at Via Napoli, but the last two trips kicked off with dinner and a show at Hoop Dee Doo. This trip we’re skipping the parks for the first day (I’m trying to be more chill :laughing: ) and choosing Chef Mickey’s rather than Hoop. I decided Chef Mickey’s was the perfect first meal for a five-year-old and a one-year-old (the Fab 5! A ride on the monorail! Unlimited dessert!) - plus, I’ve never been there!

I’ll be curious if we start a new tradition on our family trips. :goodvibes

Fortunately, there is a military discount for Photopass that’s 98 dollars and you get it for a month.
This sweet CM was so enthusiastic and really tried to frame us all in the best way. We weren’t sure how the pictures were going to turn out, but they ended up really nice.

That’s a great deal! I love that Disney offers so many things for military members.

Those are wonderful pictures. It’s nice that Alex got a great picture with his siblings, too.

I had to stop a grab a photo in front of my favorite eatery in Walt Disney World.

Speaking of wonderful pictures, you look so happy in this picture! Also, love the shirt!

Homecoming was absolutely worth the wait, and Alex and I have no doubt we will return again in the future. Probably when Landon’s a teenager and can help polish off our dishes.

One of these days I’ll make it to Homecomin’. It sounds (and looks!) delicious and I know my whole family would find something to enjoy. We’ll just have to order judiciously as we don’t have the appetites to match their portion sizes!

And go to bed.



I’m betting on no:rolleyes1
Fabulous start to your trip! DS is a great choice for arrival day. Bless your Mom - how wonderful you and your DH can go enjoy yourselves at your happy place knowing she's taking care of business on the home front.
I STILL haven't done Gideons. I thought I would get there in April and failed. Maybe at Thanksgiving??

And I was just reading another trip report where they ate at Homecomin'. That menu had never appealed to me until I saw...Country Fried Steak. Maybe also at Thanksgiving?? But...Disney Springs is my least favorite place. It's just too crowded and...I don't know...not the right vibe? I always have intentions of spending an afternoon/evening there (because there are actually a LOT of places I want to eat) but it always gets pushed to the side for something else. Help me love it.
For work, Alex has to pass a Physical fitness test once a year (some people have to test twice a year if they make less than a 90 on the test) and that involves different elements, one of which being a 1.5 mile run. The time requirement varies based on your age.
But because of Alex's job, he leads others in exercises and he actually has a great knack for being a pacer. So a few times a week, he'll go out with others and say, I'm going to do 1.5 miles in 10:30 or 11 minutes.
And then there's usually a 5K on Friday mornings.
And then ruck runs. Where they run with about 40 lbs of weight on their back.

Alex sure works hard. Thank him once again for his service from me.

Well you know my days didn't go anywhere close to what I planned after our visit. :rolleyes: :rotfl:

And that's not a bad thing. It's much easier to do that with no kids.

And when you’re on your way to Disney, there’s no way you’re waiting until 9 p.m. to leave.

Unless you're like me and try to leave @ 8:55 pm and your fight keeps getting pushed back.

My mom’s getting a very heartfelt Mother’s Day gift this year.:rotfl:

And she deserves.

Breakfast of champions!

That's a lot of food.

So in case you weren’t familiar with the USO, just know they are a spectacular organization, and what I mentioned barely scratched the surface on everything they do for the armed forces.

This just warms my hear.

What’s yours?

If Dennis had his way it would always start and Disney Springs too.

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Fabulous photo.

I mean, I was wearing my Six Ravens shirt from Gideon’s, I had to do it.

On point!

“You’re in Disney. You’re in your happy place.”


Or would the Disney allure addle our brains?

Alex is going to want some park time.
Fabulous intro as always! You know I am here for ALL the fun!

So happy you're here, Susan! :goodvibes

Following! I just spent half of today binging your last TR (between doing May the 4th stuff AND Free Comic Book day at my friend’s comic store). Your writing style is fantastic!

Thanks for reading! (And sticking with all my long, rambling updates.:laughing:) I appreciate the kind words.

Honestly if I can’t be in Disney, your trip reports are the next best thing. You have me smiling just reading along.

I love trip reports for that very reason. It's nice to read about Disney when you're so far from the place.

The alarms on my phone are mostly related to Lucas so that I pick him up when I’m supposed to

:rotfl2:Thank goodness for the ability to schedule certain alarms to go off on particular days. They've saved my behind a time or two!

Then bed. Then 2am jet lag kicks in and we are awake, WIDE AWAKE, sneaking kindles under bedcovers to read hoping not to disturb any lucky soul who is not awake, begging the sun to come up so we can can get up and shower awake, and then I smile to myself and think how lucky I am that I get to do it all. Some of my favourite memories of trips are the ones were we had a balcony and I’d sneak out on to it in the wee small hours with my bottle of water and hear those early morning sounds that are distinct to Florida and watch the world awaken.

I'm glad you've found a system that allows everyone to get what they need. For you to unpack, for the others to go pick up food, etc.
That jet lag...I knew EXACTLY what you meant when you were describing the struggle with falling asleep early and then waking up ridiculously early. Back when I was making the trek to Disney, it was nice knowing you felt my pain at waking up at 4 in the morning.:laughing:
You did bring me back to those glorious FL mornings with your description. Definitely takes the sting out of the jet lag exhaustion when you're looking out over Disney property. Just a little bit.
We’re braving a 6:30am flight with young children for exactly that reason. Our alternative on our preferred airline would’ve gotten us there after 4:00pm which is unacceptable.

I feel like I'd rather be tired and at my final destination, then waiting around all day for my vacation to start.

Kids’ schedules are nuts!

It's only getting worse the older they get. :crazy2: I joked with Alex once that I wish my social calendar was as popping as the kids' are. :rotfl2:

Early sister trips started at Epcot with dinner at Via Napoli

I approve of this tradition. Starting off a trip with pizza sounds amazing.

choosing Chef Mickey’s rather than Hoop. I decided Chef Mickey’s was the perfect first meal for a five-year-old and a one-year-old

But this is a perfect way to start your family trip. You're completely right. Monorails and the Fab 5. That's pretty magical. :goodvibes

Speaking of wonderful pictures, you look so happy in this picture!

I keep comparing this first day photo to my last day's, and it makes me laugh so hard. The difference in beginning versus end of trips, where one you're well-rested and excited and the other you're exhausted and sad to be leaving is hilarious. I'll have to remember to share a side by side at the end.

We’ll just have to order judiciously as we don’t have the appetites to match their portion sizes!

It definitely helped having people who were locals with us who could take the leftovers home and get more meals out of it. Honestly, if I went with the kids, we'd probably order one entree, one appetizer, and one side and might struggle to finish. It's so much food!

Fabulous start to your trip! DS is a great choice for arrival day. Bless your Mom - how wonderful you and your DH can go enjoy yourselves at your happy place knowing she's taking care of business on the home front.

I feel like you can be a little more relaxed at Disney Springs, so that helps not exhausting you right out the gate. Because we all know that happens very quickly on a WDW trip. :laughing:
I STILL haven't done Gideons. I thought I would get there in April and failed. Maybe at Thanksgiving??

You HAVE TO try Gideon's at some point! Their cakes and coffee really are worth the wait. ::yes::

But...Disney Springs is my least favorite place. It's just too crowded and...I don't know...not the right vibe? I always have intentions of spending an afternoon/evening there (because there are actually a LOT of places I want to eat) but it always gets pushed to the side for something else. Help me love it.

I understand what you mean about not rushing to go to Disney Springs. I used to not like it at all. But I think it's the abundance of good food there that has changed my mind. Plus, I've gotten much more laid back in my touring styles. When I'm in the parks, I feel like I have to rush and get things done, whereas at DS I can take my time. I'll grab a snack or a drink, meander. Much more my speed.
However, I do prefer to go in the mornings when it's not so busy. It can get packed in the evening time.

And that's not a bad thing. It's much easier to do that with no kids.

Especially with Landon. He's very schedule-oriented and isn't crazy when we change plans on him. Plus, two people shifting plans and hopping on a different bus is a lot easier than a family of four.

Unless you're like me and try to leave @ 8:55 pm and your fight keeps getting pushed back.

Haha, well you also ended up leaving the day you worked. Plus, your most recent trip was a, how can we squeeze in a Disney trip with limited time. That's totally understandable.

If Dennis had his way it would always start and Disney Springs too.

It's a nice place to go to kind of ease your way into the park madness.
I STILL haven't done Gideons. I thought I would get there in April and failed. Maybe at Thanksgiving??

And I was just reading another trip report where they ate at Homecomin'. That menu had never appealed to me until I saw...Country Fried Steak. Maybe also at Thanksgiving?? But...Disney Springs is my least favorite place. It's just too crowded and...I don't know...not the right vibe? I always have intentions of spending an afternoon/evening there (because there are actually a LOT of places I want to eat) but it always gets pushed to the side for something else. Help me love it.

I went to Disney Springs for the first time after 15 years last trip for my DD16. We went one morning before heading to Epcot. We shopped a bit (her thing, I hate shopping) got some cookies and had lunch.

It’s still not my favorite place but it’s a nice arrival day destination for a few hours. That trip we took a late afternoon flight and had dinner at the resort, unpacked and hit RD the next day. We’ve decided after thar trip that we are over 6 am flights and hitting the parks upon arrival. It thoroughly exhausts us for the next few days. We’ve decided that we will now take an early flight, go to DS for lunch, maybe buy some ears and any t shirts we may like for the trip, get cookies if we’d like and back to the hotel for unpacking and rest so we’re ready for the next 8-9 days. It’s become a good filler for us.
I’m so happy to read a new report of yours!! Hoping to do an adults only trip in the near future so I’m excited to read along!

I’ve started jogging (I’m terrible) and I’ve asked DD and SO if they’d do any RunDisney trips with me if I get better and they both said heck no. Lol. They’d go but no way will they run. And that’s without me telling them of the zero dark thirsty wake up times.
Following along! Love to read fellow runners TR’s! My DH and I are running the marathon next January and going just the 2 of us for a couple nights 😃
It’s still not my favorite place but it’s a nice arrival day destination for a few hours.

DS is a great way to feel immersed in the Disney environment without wearing yourself out in the parks!

Hoping to do an adults only trip in the near future so I’m excited to read along!

I hope you're able to get that adults only trip. There's nothing like traveling with the kids. I'm really happy I'm going to DL with my two. But an adults only trip is so much more relaxed and easygoing. While my kids are older now and more independent, they're still asking me a million questions and looking to me to solve their hunger, exhaustion, etc. Being with just other adults frees up mental space! :rotfl:

They’d go but no way will they run. And that’s without me telling them of the zero dark thirsty wake up times.

Haha! Well, if they go and are there to support you afterwards, that's all you can ask for. When I went to SS last year, my mom stayed at the resort and slept, then just listened to my recaps later on in the morning.

Following along! Love to read fellow runners TR’s! My DH and I are running the marathon next January and going just the 2 of us for a couple nights 😃

Congrats on getting into the marathon! That's my next big runDisney goal. But man...is 26.2 a lot of miles. :rotfl2: Will this be your first marathon? Are you going to try and ride EE on the course? :laughing:
Wednesday, April 17th Part 2:

When we first arrived at our room at the Wilderness Lodge, Alex and I were responsible adults and settled about the business of unpacking our belongings.

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Aren’t the rooms at the WL beautiful? I love all the greens and browns and the wooden furniture. I also love that the resort gives you actual glass mugs and two sinks in the bathroom. I only wish Wilderness Lodge had a 5th sleeper.

I’ll go ahead and say this here now, though, to get it out of the way. I became a little disenchanted with the Wilderness Lodge this trip. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it fell down on my list of favorite places to stay, but it certainly made me more willing to try some of the other places I haven’t been before.

We had a lot of issues with the room.

Like, enough that Alex and I had to go down to the front desk the following morning and talk to someone about them.

Which is NOT in my comfort zone.

I’m the gal who will eat the mashed potatoes even though I ordered fries. :rotfl:

Little problems I tend to brush off, but even I knew I couldn’t spend five more nights without resolving some things.

The exhaust fan in the bathroom never turned off. And even with a sound machine we brought from home, the noise kept Alex and I up most of the night.

One of the outlets was completely broken. Like smashed into the wall and unable to have anything hooked into it.

The faucet in the shower was broken and couldn’t be turned on.

The mattress was very well worn and needed to be flipped, because our feet were higher than our heads.

One of the sinks was plugged.

The bottom latch on the sliding door was broken.

There was trash left out on our balcony.

I think if only one or two of these problems were present, Alex and I wouldn’t have thought much about it, but the accumulation of them all really skewed our opinion. Alex and my dad have work experience in resorts and hotels, so I’ve heard enough over the years to know this room shouldn’t have been open. Alex and I agreed, WL needed to put a block on this room and give it some TLC.

BUT! That’s all I’ll say on the matter. We informed the Cast Members and some problems got a band-aid placed on it, others who knows?:confused3 (They just turned the exhaust fan off completely and patched the faucet handle.)

After clothes were in drawers and shoes under the beds,
*So. Many. Shoes. Running 3 races on top of park touring required so many pairs.* I called the kids to see how they were doing.

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Landon immediately began grilling me.

“Where are you?!”

“Our hotel room.”

“Which hotel is that? Do I know that one? Is it one I like?”

It’s not easy sneaking away to Disney when you’ve got a kid who loves WDW as much as you.:laughing:

Evie had more pressing concerns.

“Am I still allowed to play with my friends after dinner? You didn’t mention it in the notes so Nana didn’t let us. Please tell her it’s okay.”

Miss you, too, kid.:rolleyes:

All right, phone call complete.

Now what?

Alex and I SHOULD go sit out on the balcony and relax. Read some more, maybe take a stroll around the resort.

What we SHOULD NOT do is hop on a boat and go into the Magic Kingdom.

Despite there being Extra Magic Hours for deluxe resort guests.

No way.

That’d be irresponsible.

And that is why, at 8:30, I have this picture on my phone:

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I blame Alex.

He’s a bad influence.

Happily Ever After was showing at 9 p.m., so Alex and I headed to our favorite non-Main Street viewing location.

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The Tangled bathrooms.

It’s not glamorous, but it has seats and great views of the fireworks.

And seats.

If I’m not watching projections on Cinderella’s Castle, than I’d rather be sitting down and enjoying them.

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I love this show, and I couldn’t help but remember the time Alex and I brought the kids to this spot to watch. They were so excited to hear which soundtrack came next, shouting out the movie titles in joy.

That feels like just yesterday.

Alex and I certainly didn’t expect back then to be at this point in our lives already.

Heck, we were still trying to process that it wasn’t our first runDisney race. It wasn’t 2011. We weren’t newly engaged.

We had quite a few more miles on us since that time.

But one thing hadn’t changed.

Watching fireworks in the Magic Kingdom was still pretty dang magical.:goodvibes

Once HEA was done, the two of us hopped in line to get the Tangled lantern photo. Despite it being around for years, we’d never done it before.

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Then we headed to Adventureland. Thrilled to be in the first theme park of the trip or not, Alex and I were tired and needed to focus on easy attractions with little waits.

And what fits the bill better than Pirates?

Upon exiting, I was ready to call it a night. The early wakeup call had caught up to me. And I mean, fireworks and a ride. That’s not too shabby for a spur of the moment visit.

But Alex remembered one of my Must-Dos was the
Enchanted Tiki Room, and he insisted we see it on the way out.

All right, all right.

Twist my arm, will you?

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I don’t know why I love this show as much as I do, but it’s a beloved Disney classic for me.

Okay, I’m lying.

It’s a room full of birds.

Animatronic birds, but still.

Of course I’m going to love it.

A pretty open book, I am.

If anyone ever sees a replica of Jose on his circular perch, let me know.

I want it.

That bad boy would hang from a corner in my house with no shame.

Hello, welcome, come on in, take in the sights of all my bird statues.

Be glad they’re not real.:rotfl2:

The show completed, I told Alex it really was time to leave. This time, he didn’t argue. But as we were walking down Main Street, he suggested we pop into the Confectionary and grab a sweet to take back to the room.

Birds and sugar. This was the stuff of dreams.

We chose the peanut butter cookie pie with peanut butter M&Ms.

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It was good. Nothing to write home about, but a nice way to satisfy the sweet tooth. We threw it in the beverage cooler back in the room and ate it cold the following day, and it was better that way.

While checking out, the poor Cast Member was having the hardest time with the machine. It would not work for him, no matter how hard he tried. To which he told us:
“It always does this. It’s like it knows it’s the end of the night. It waits until we get busy to break.”

Poor fellow had a hard, arduous journey with that machine.

Hope it got better for him.

The perk of grabbing a snack from the Confectionary was that it was technically a merchandise location, so we got our 10% Annual Pass discount there.

Leaving the store and coming upon the train station, Alex and I saw Mickey and Minnie above us, waving goodbye to guests.

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What a perfect way to end the night.

There’s no better way to close out your arrival day than with a friendly farewell from the gentleman who started it all. And his lovely leading lady.

So, should we have gone to the Magic Kingdom? Probably not.

Did we regret doing so?

Defintiely not.

Up Next: Did You Just Get Convinced to Take a Trip to San Diego?
Congrats on getting into the marathon! That's my next big runDisney goal. But man...is 26.2 a lot of miles. :rotfl2: Will this be your first marathon? Are you going to try and ride EE on the course? :laughing:

Thank you! Yep first full marathon. Did a couple half’s with Rundisney in 2022/2023. I actually have just learned recently that getting on a ride during the course is a thing! My main goal is just to finish and not die soooo we’ll see how a ride factors into that :rotfl:


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